Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sunday Scribbling: Happy Ending

The night sets in
dark and deep
quiet and calm

A new day rises
sun shines
bright rays on the horizon

Happy ending
Heaven has come


Anonymous said...

Nice - a lot said in a few words :)

Kamsin said...

A happy ending indeed!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written!

gautami tripathy said...

Sweetly said..

can you please read me the end again?

danni said...

very inspiritional - thank you!!!

Devil Mood said...

True, simple things like dusk and dawn hold a happy ending everytime :)

Anonymous said...

A very skillful piece of writing. You got your message across in so few words - any more would have added nothing

Granny Smith said...

This proves that the best gifts come in small packages. Your short poem didn't need another word to express the happiness of a bright new day.

Karen said...

So small and so poignant...beautiful...

Gill said...

Skilfully written.

Rena said...

Oooh, this is good! Makes me remember how excited I've always felt about going to Heaven someday!