Friday, August 24, 2007

I Get That Sinking Feeling

You know what's one of the many things that scared me as a kid? Sinking sands! I once saw a movie wherein a man just slowly but surely sunk in the sinking sand (must have been an old Tarzan movie) and I thought - yikes! I hope that never happens to me!

I got that a sinking feeling ....

how about saying I got this stinking sinking feeling?

a freaking, stinking, sinking feeling?

I get that sinking feeling that this is the end of this post.

If you are curious to find out what others are saying about their sinking feeling ... go to Sunday Scribblings.


Kamsin said...

I was going to post about sinking sand, but didn't get around to it yet! I guess I'll need to come up with another idea now!

gautami tripathy said...

Aren't those known as shivering sands?

Sherri B. said...

Sinking sand...*shiver* Yes, that most definitely gives me a scary, sinking feeling!

Liza on Maui said...

I hope you write about sinking sands too - this post is just too short (I didn't have time to expound on it)

Liza on Maui said...

guatami, yes, I guess that's the same.

Unknown said...

I haven't been scribbling in a few months but I'll have to check this one out! Cool photo too.

Forgetfulone said...

What a hoot! Almost sounded like you had a top 40 hit going there!

JHS said...

Oh, yeah. Quicksand. I remember being totally creeped out by it as a kid when I saw it in a couple of movies. I hadn't thought about it in years and years.

raymond pert said...

Seems I remember Lassie saving someone sinking in sand once. I was scared to death.

Gill said...

Oh that definitely gives me a sinking feeling. Imagine how terrifying it must be....okay, I'm not even going to think about this, I'll have nightmares LOL!

bonggamom said...

Yes, quicksand also freaked me out as a child.

Robin said...

Quicksand would certainly give me that sinking feeling too *shudder*.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh no! I'd forgotten quicksand! How scary it is. How could I have forgotten? Scary. Scary. Love your post!

Patois42 said...

A down and dirty post -- or at least a down and sandy one. I, too, had the childhood fear of quicksand.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! Truly witty!