Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday: Making Christmas Memories

In our family, there are two things that I've been doing with the kids that build into a photo memories that we cherish. Each year we do two activities that we make sure we take a lot of photos:

1) Ginger Bread House Decorating

2) Decorating a Christmas trees while my kids wear the Elf hats or Santa's hats.

3) Photos with Santa (picture to follow - I need to scan - I'll post tonight)

We've had a variety of elf hats through the years. we've also had different varieties of Ginger Bread Houses. And the Santa photos are so cute!

The nice thing is that each year we take lots of photos and each year we look at the previous photos. It's amazing how much they've grown (snif snif) ...

For more works for me Wednesday, visit Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer. Lots of fun and good stuff and helpful tips in there!


Kathy in WA said...

Liza - we LOVE to do gingerbread houses! Great reminder that I need to be thinking about that and gathering decorating supplies. My mother in law is FAMOUS for her gingerbread houses and often picks up the slack when I'm having a busy Christmas. In other words, she has them all ready to decorate and swoops the kids off for a party. I end up with a gorgeous gingerbread house (after enjoying some time alone).


jennwa said...

I love the elf hat idea. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Traditions are so important in life and having pics to show your kids growing up through them is a good idea, too. Thanks for sharing.

An Ordinary Mom said...

We will be making those houses on Sunday :) !!

SAHMmy Says said...

Sweet matching smiles! What a great idea to take pics of the kiddos in the same place every year--easy to see how they've grown!