Thursday, November 9, 2017

Today: Keala o Wailea and Maui Monopoly

Yesterday I went back to writing freely on this little corner of mine in the internet. It's sort of a restart. A reboot.  It actually helped.  I felt a little load of stress got off my brain as I dumped some thoughts into the blog.

And so I am doing that again TODAY. And maybe everyday from now on.  But we won't worry about that.  I will focus on TODAY.

Today at work I need to:

Make sure all the invitations for the Keala o Wailea (KoW) Holiday Party and Blessings invitations are mailed out.  or at least the ones for Buyer and their realtors.

Complete set-up for the evite for KoW - Upload list as soon as I get the list from Daniel/Bob.

Upload KoW photos on the blog.  I was supposed to do it two days ago; but since it not super urgent - other more urgent projects of mine got done and this one didn't.  But I must do this today. This morning.

Maui Monopoly Tournament 2017. Lots to do.  Nine (9) days left.  Meeting this afternoon. I need to get ready for it:

Update website: Add donation button; Add auction items;  Create a binder.
Create the Ad for Maui News
Update Press Release - coordinate with Jen PR
Step and Repeat?

AND THEN ... we have a new Broker and 3 New Agents at Wailea Realty Corp. I need to add them and their bio etc to all 3 websites we have:  Wailea Realty, Windermere Maui,

I think I'd stop here for now.

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