this post when I listed some things I am procrastinating on? Well, it's "tackle time" and I thought I should tackle them. For a jumpstart, I dealt with the 475 e-mails in my in-box. I was hoping I could e-mail back those who commented through those moderation e-mails but I realized that was wishful thinking. So I deleted most of it. To all of you who had commented, thank you so much, and sorry I can only reply to a very few....
I will come back to report how I tackled the other items on
the list. But I also am adding another important and urgent task I need to do tomorrow (today). That is accompany my parents to Honolulu and say goodbye as they fly home....
For more bloggers sharing how they are tackling a "to do" today, visit
5 Minutes For Moms".
Hope you get it all done!
Oh wow! I can't wait to read my emails and do it a couple times a day. I'm obsessed! LOL
Hitting the delete button always feels so good. Oh, if only other tasks were so easy to deal with! :)
Well, I think getting through over 400 emails, no matter how you did it, is quite a tackle! Good job!
safe travels to them :)
Good luck getting through that. My inbox gets like that sometimes and oftentimes delete delete delete is as best as I can do.
I'm working on my list too. I have about 350 emails in my inbox. I can never keep up with them all. I finally made folders to sort them out, hoping it would make them easier to deal with. Now I have 350 emails in my inbox about a 100 or so in my folders. Oh well. Hopefully next Tuesday I will be motivated again.
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