I have a different kind of anxiety today. Not the usual Monday morning kind because today is a holiday and I don't have to go to work. It's more of an anxiety because today is the last day my parents will be here ... tomorrow they fly back to the Philippines. I've spent the last 3 days mostly helping them get ready. I can feel they are "anxious" about the "travel", but excited that they are going home. My mom has packed and re-packed their luggage about a hundred times already (ok, maybe 20 times) and my dad had been asking me all sorts of questions - "do we need a padlock for our luggage, would my mom's cell phone that we bought here work in the Philippines, what time should we be leaving here tomorrow, etc. etc..."
This weekend has been busy but good:
* Our friends, the Sowers, are visiting. Colton spent the night here last Friday and G is very happy to be with his best friend again.
* G went to a Tweens Camp on Saturday and would be returning home today. I'm sure he had a wonderful time there. Tweens camp organized by Hope Chapel children's ministry are fun!
* N stayed at home but is having wonderful time with friends. On Saturday night, she had a sleep over at T's our (our neighbor next door) and her other good friend, I, is here with us yesterday and today. They are asleep in N's room as I am typing this.
* The book I won at 5 Minutes For Mom arrived (it's the "Growing Friendships" by Tracy Klehn)! I can't wait to read this!
* Our church is starting a HipHop Abs exercise fellowship. I think I'd join. I saw the announcement at yesterday's bulletin. Starts this week. I'd be there :)
* The tree house our neighborhood kids are building are looking good. Actually, our neighbor Amanda, helped the kids construct it. (Thanks Amanda:)) . She's a real "super mom" and I'm so glad we have her as our neighbor.
And so I need to brew my morning coffee (I can't believe I didn't make the coffee before I start typing a post!) . My next post will be after my parents take off. I'd be flying with them to Honolulu so I'd be away from the computer.
Aloha Oi!
It sounds like you had an eventful, happy weekend. Sorry your parents have to leave. I'm sure it was great having them to visit. I didn't know you won a book from 5 minutes for mom! Congratulations! I hope you enjoy it. Take care.
Very busy, but fun! Your church exercise class sounds like a good time. :D
safe travels to your parents
sounds like a good weekend
I wish your parents safe travel, and hope that they'll be content back home. Maybe your mother will be a little better in familiar surroundings.
The exercise class sounds like a great idea for getting rid of stress (such as that bittersweet feeling when your parents leave -- that combination of pain and relief that most people don't like to admit, and maybe I'm the only one who has it....)
Take care of yourself.
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