Saturday, November 10, 2007

Left Brain or Right Brain

Left Brain
Right Brain
Looks at parts
Looks at wholes

It's very obvious - I AM A RIGHT BRAIN thinker. No doubt! Being Logical and Objective has never been my strong points. I am definitely Intuitive. This is my little scribbling today. If you'd like more - longer and more interesting expositions on the prompt "Left & Right", go to Sunday Scribblings HQ.

By the way, some of you may already have seen this "dancing shadow" on left brain vs. right brain but if you haven't, CLICK here and check it out. It's fun!


paisley said...

i too find myself languishing in the right brain... but i love it hee,, and would never want to have to make the switch!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am the other way round. Too rational and too logical for my own good.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I am very "right brain" and hubby is very "left brain." I think we balance each other out!

Becca said...

A very good thumbnail view of the different styles of thinking.

I definitely lean to the left, myself, but love to be around right brain-er's.

bonggamom said...

My husband showed me that twirly girl as well and he showed me how to visualize her twirling in both directions!

gma said...

Predominately Right brained and enjoying it! There is less stress over here.

Katrina said...

Me, right-brained. As righty-right brained as they get. Like I couldn't even get the silhouette girl to turn the other way when I worked at it, with sweat popping out on my brow.

AngelConradie said...

right brained me...

Anonymous said...

I think I am a bit of both. Let me follow the link. Thank you for sharing.

Tumblewords: said...

I agree with UL. I'm a bit of both and not so constant with to check the link.

Cherie said...

Mmmmm, Thanks for that ... ???

Andrea Frazer said...

That just described James and me! LOL! Hey, I'll join you in the Max Lucado reading. I'll check back later.

Anonymous said...

I am usually very left brained, but have had to make a switch because of an injury. What is really fun is that I also put the dancing lady shadow on my blog this week! With her, I was right brained, but if you look at her feet, you can easily switch back and forth.