Remember that scene at Gerry McGuire movie, when Cuba Gooding said "show me the money"? I thought that was very funny.... Guess what? Money is the prompt today at Sunday Scribblings.
There's one quote in the Bible that's always been misinterpreted... that's in I Timothy 6:10 when Paul said "For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil". Some just loosely interprets it as money being evil. But money in itself is neutral. It's the people's greediness and selfishness that makes it evil - when one is obsessed with it.
There are a hundred things I will buy and a hundred projects I would like to do had I been given lots of money. But for now, I guess I should be content with the money I get from my pay-check. Being thankful with the money we've got, and being a good steward of what we have is a good start.
I couldn't agree more. And I love that part of Jerry Maguire. Show me the money!!!!
So much wisdom in so few words! Nice prompt with a great reminder.
everything in moderation... nothing to excess.. proves itself true once again when faced with the love of money.....
I wholly agree. I am trying invest my money wisely after a setback!
Back in high school, we were once asked to write an essay on [blank] is the root of all evil.
I filled in the blank with "greed." I wonder if I still have that essay tucked away someplace...
I have a friend who "got money" from inheritances, and well, it spoiled the whole family. Not so much a friend, actually.
Money is great but happiness is greater, and money does not grant happiness - in most cases!
Very true. You've captured the essence of that passage very well.
I wish someone would show me the money! Great post!
"Being thankful with the money we've got, and being a good steward of what we have is a good start."
This was a great post and a perfect ending. This statement is right on.
Such wise words, so difficult in practise though. Nice take on the post.
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