I carry my black back pack
everywhere I go
to the office
to church
when I go shopping
when I go strolling
What's in my backpack you ask
Oh no, you wouldn't want to know
"What's in your back pack" you asked again
Now I can't say no
Now I have to tell
Do I really have to?
Well... there's wallet and ID
there's Carmex and pen
there's Tampax and candies
oh, about ten
Receipts that I don't need
crumbs from a left over cookie
One time, some dried french fries
I kid you not, it's true
A marker, a book
a notebook to write on
when I find a nook
Ipod and cell phone
Palm pilot galore
Rubberband and bandaid
Safety pin for sure
Tissues to clean boogers
Nail clipper for nails
A small lotion for dry skin
and a floss just in case
There's a lot more
but it's too much to tell...
I tell you this black back pack
I carry everywhere
I'd be at a lost without it
Can you tell?
P.S. - I kid you not,
there were dried french fries in there :)
P.P.S. - this is a "true to life" poem, in case you're wondering ;)
(Had fun doing this. For more scribblings, go to Sunday Scribblings)
and I enjoyed reading it
Ure talented
Ive never been able to write poetry
:-) LOL while reading
That was light, crisp and enjoyable....thanks!
What a fun read, you must've en joyed writing it too...I have a little purse that I carry around, I am lost with it too.
That was a funny, witty, and oh-so-true poem! Great job!
a most enjoyable read
This was so lighthearted and sweet...I could see the twinkle in your eye while you wrote it! :~)
You are ready for any eventuality.
I loved it! Realistic, yet fresh. I haven't quite gotten inspired by this week's topic yet, but I'm thinking.
That feels like a typical womean in ANY part of the world. My bag contains....
well, lets not dwell on it!!
I love that poem. Brings the esteemed Dr Suess to mind. Although I doubt he carried tampax.
you are not alone....
That's a lot of valuable 'stuff' to haul. Neat post!
This was a zippy little poem ---- funny as well.
Oh how creative and clever!!
Love the P.S. :D
I get it!! ;)
My wife's backpack/purse/small suitcase/shoulderbag/thingy once spilled over at a movie theater, during the movie (don't ask).
It seemed for five minutes you could hear things rolling and scattering under the rows in front of us.
When the lights came up, it took the better part of twenty minutes to complete the treasure hunt, and retrieve her 'stuff' -- and that was with the kind help of some of the patrons who'd been seated in front of us.
I could not believe everything that was in that 'carry-all' my wife totes. I also can't believe how gross it is under theater seats... ;)
my bags only carry things for me, but I remember my mom's purse carried for her, and for us kids, and even my dad's camera equipment (some of the time!)
Very nice. rel had a similar idea for his poem. You should check it out if you haven't already.
My bag is full of similar debris.
Not too long ago my purse was stolen and some weeks later I found the contents scattered under some bushes. Now I know what the word ephemera means!
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