Sunday's Scribblings prompt is "My First Act As Queen Of The World Would Be ..."
Suddenly, I am in a dilemma. Really, what great act can I do when I become the queen of the world? Interestingly, I cannot come up with anything. Actually, not that I can't come up with something, it's the "pressure" of it being the "first act" that makes it hard to decide which of the many ideas I have I should do first...
Since I had been sleep deprived for a couple of days, I think the first thing I'd do is sleep. Then when I wake up in a good mood, I might assign someone to do "these". (Make sure you click the link, it's funny)
Queen of the World? First Act? I think I'd visit some orphanages and try to adopt several kids to raise as prince and princesses (good prince and princesses to be someday become great kings and queens).
If women ruled the world was pretty darn cute! Funny and well done!
Peace Giggles
Cute and fun! Why did I have to be so literal with the prompt?
Sleep and adoption and delegation of duties--great ideas. Long live the Queen!
We really need to get all the orphans adopted!!! Well done! I also like the part about getting more sleep.
Oh I think I crown is so pretty! Sorry I was distracted by the sparkly things. Sleep is a good idea, then you'll be fresh for the first royal act!
Hahaha! Love the collage...and the tiara...
Nice post, and adoption is a great way to serve....
My daughter had a tiara just like that. Then she stepped on it. There went any hopes I had of ascending the thrown, either myself or vicariously.
Great first acts, when's your coronation?
well then lets just skip the whole thing and award the position to anjelina and brad!!!!!!
Paisley, does that mean I won't get my "sleep"? (sigh)
Who could go wrong while wearing a crown like that? Sleep is so important but don't forget to remove the crown before you doze off - you never know...
important work - educating men about how to do things right! nice post!
Sleep is always good! Love the link. Although as we're always stuck cleaning toilets, we might need to unchain the seat at some point.
My first thought was sleep! So is my post!
Does the tiara stay on without bobby pins? And can I swim with it?
Oh and in my new house I have selfclosing toilet seats...really!
This really made me laugh.
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