Writing: The Good - I like writing my thoughts. It helps me sort out things that otherwise overwhelms me. And so for me, writing is good. It helps me express feelings, and emotions. It helps me clarify thoughts. It helps me put facts into print. And just think of the history we now know because someone cared to chronicle the events that have happened. Ah, yes, writing is good.
Writing: the Bad - My husband does not like writing. He said if I have something to tell him, say it. Don't e-mail it, don't write it - say it, tell it. He prefers verbal communication than written. The interesting thing is that he loves to read news paper and novels, therefore he should appreciate writing. Another interesting thing is that we dated through "letters". we wrote each other a lot. Ahh... I guess love makes us do the things we don't like doing. But wait, now that he does not write, and he does not want me to write - does that mean he does not love me anymore? Let's not go there ;)
Writing: The Ugly - My son hates writing. He despises it. Oh, he's a creative writer - if he'd be allow to dictate his thoughts. But the physical exercise of actually using a pen or pencil and writing down his thoughts just kills him. Thank God for computers. At least it's just the physical handwriting that he hates, not the actual composing of literature.
There you have it - the good, the bad and the ugly of writing (according to our family). For more good writing, please go to Sunday Scribblings. Yes, writing is the prompt for this week.
I love writing! Hehehe.. (Apparently.)
The art of writing is fas disappearing. I mean the paper and pen writing. WE too type into the PC. I carry a writing book and pen any thoughts striking me but I still type it out when I get back.
Where would we be if we didn't have the likes of Shakespeare or Plato or Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?! And writing was so much harder back then I suppose!
I think my husband is like your son- he would be a great writer if he didn't actually have to write!
Love your take on the prompt. We also have a "good, bad and ugly" writing situation in our home - 2 of us are goodies though :-)
I'm very lucky to come from a writing family. . .we all write, to each other, for ourselves. It's wonderful.
I liked this take on the prompt.
As an English teacher, a teacher of writing, I relate to your son. So many of my students hate writing. I hope to help them realize that there is a writer within all of us.
Just this week, I was wondering how to help my son make the leap into the writing thing. He has no time for sitting down to capture his imagination and yet he is so creative.....a natural storyteller, he is.
He's young still though, and perhaps he will change his tune....I try to share various pieces of my writing with him in hopes that he will see how self rewarding it can be.
great take on this weeks prompt.
I hear you loud and clear. You could be describing my household.
Nice post! It is sad that writing is becoming so extinct. I love it and hope that my daughter will learn to love it too when she is of age to write.
I like your take on writing. I'm not so sure about your husband's. ;)
My students include retirees whose arthritis makes the physical act of writing literally painful. (One brought a laptop on which to do in-class exercises.) At the same time, writing longhand uses different parts of the brain than typing on a computer does. It's a compromise either way. I live by both methods.
Being possessed of horrible penmanship, I celebrate the computer... and I enjoyed reading your post! ;)
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