Thursday, August 30, 2007

Sunday Scribbling: The End

Once upon a time...
... and they lived happily ever after ....

The End

Most fairy tales end that way .. "happily ever after ... the end". In real life however, it's a different story:

a once happy marriage could end up in divorce
a once bright compliant child could end up in prison
a once rich family could end up being poor
a once healthy mom or dad
could later be afflicted with a sickness or disability

and in cases above .. we wouldn't want to really call it "the end",
but we want to look at it as a "new beginning"
for in "real life", there should be a "second chance"
and life goes on...

The End

Want some more? visit Sunday Scribblings for more "The End" scribblings


Anonymous said...

I don't know why I haven't seen your blog before -- maybe because this past year I have had trouble accessing all blogs. Anyway, I like what you write and I will be back!

harmonyinline said...

I am in complete agreement we all need second chances sometimes even third or fourth chances

Anonymous said...

Quite right--we look to endings for happiness but want chances at bright beginnings again and again.

Neat thoughts!

gautami tripathy said...

Very aptly told...

Regina said...

That's why they call them fairy tales, I guess. Most times, things never turn out the way you think they will... but yes, thank God for second chances and do-overs!

paisley said...

as long as it doesn't kill you....
it makes you stronger...
so as long as you are drawing breath
there is a chance, a hope, a light, at the end of the tunnel....

Patois42 said...

True, indeed. There's always a beginning, but I much prefer the idea of the middle lasting a long, long time.

Tammy Brierly said...

Nothing really ends it just changes. Wonderful post!

Paul said...

Every end is a new beginning. You brought that across really well.

Hope said...

"...and life goes on" and on and on and on... endless laps around the world.

Crafty Green Poet said...

how many people's expectations of life have been constrained by fairy tales? It's always good to see endings as possibilities for new beginnings.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I agree. Endings are new beginnings, absolutely.

Unknown said...

Very well said. One ending is a new beginning.

Forgetfulone said...

They say God never gives you anything you can't survive. I really liked your take on this week's topic.