Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sunday Scribbling: Deepest, Darkest

Innocent families caught within
Bombing all around
Blood shed
Body parts scattered
What a pit
What a deep dark pit...

Children crying in the dark
No one to turn to
How do they turn over their father or mother
The people who are supposed to protect them
Are harming them instead
What a pit
What a deep dark pit...

It seems there is no way out
Spiraling down like crazy
Drowning in despair
Thoughts of suicide abound
What a pit
What a deep dark pit...

In all these,
we must remember
there is no pit too deep
that God isn't deeper still...

For more thoughts and scribblings on Deepest and Darkest, go to Sunday Scribblings HERE.

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Quote "there is no pit too deep that God isn't deeper still" is by Corrie Ten Boom. Shown in the movie "Hiding Place"

If you have a child who is "cutting" (another deep place to be in), here's something to read. Click HERE.

If you are currently in this deepest darkest place and you need encouragement, watch this worship at You Tube HERE.

The lyrics of the song can be found HERE

and if you want more, check this lyrics and video out. It's called "You Never Let Go"

UPDATED 4/1/07:
I just saw this post at "Rocks In My Dryer" and I thought it's appropriate to post a link here too.


Lucy said...

that was chilling and well done.

Kamsin said...

Lovely post Liza. It reminded me of Psalm 40:2.

Jane said...

Wonderful post. There are so many people hurting out there. Feeling alone in their deep, dark places. Thanks for those links.

Liza on Maui said...

Thanks lucy, kamsin and jane.

Fot those interested, here's Psalm 40:2 that Kamsin mentioned:

"He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. (NASB ©1995)"

Thanks Kamsin, that's a great verse to go with this.

gautami tripathy said...

This is darkly beautiful...I read it twice.

Stranger in the Mirror

Inconsequential said...

cool piece, even for a disbeliever like me to read :)

Good work.

Liza on Maui said...

Thanks guatanami :)

inconsequential - thank you for that comment. I was a bit worried that "disbelievers" (as you called it) will not like this - I'm happy to hear you liked it :)

bonggamom said...

The section on abuse was heartbreaking. What a great read.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Those are the deepest and darkest indeed.

Patois42 said...

As many have said: very well done.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, touching, and well crafted.

leonie.wise said...

a (for me) very thought-provoking use of the topic for this week. i too thank you for the links and the reminder.

Tammy Brierly said...

You did a wonderful job on this poem...AMEN!