I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and nighttime, hear me sigh
I never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion
Could you coo
Could you care
For a cunning cottage we could share
The world will pardon my mush
Cause I've got a crush, my baby, on you
When I was in elementary school, after watching Karate Kid, I had a big crush on Ralph Macchio. Oh I remember buying posters of him…reading every magazine articles about him that I can find…day dreaming that someday I would be able to meet him…maybe date him (sigh!)
When I was a freshman in high school, I had a crush on this guy named Emmanuel. He was a junior at that time and didn’t even know I existed. But he was such a heartrob.
When I was junior in high school, I had a crush on Lito. He was a senior at the same school I was in. Heaven smiled at me then when during the Junior-Senior Prom, I was chosen to dance in the Grand Cotillon, and he too was chosen. We were partners! Oh, that was a grand time, dancing waltz with him. I was feeling like a princess and he was my prince.
Then in college, there was this guy who had a crush on me. Our mutual friend told me about it. I caught him so many times glancing at me. The truth was, after I found out he has a crush on me and I started noticing him, I developed a crush on him too. The problem was I didn’t tell our mutual friend, so it didn’t go anywhere. The guy was shy, I was shy … so the “crush” status remained a “crush”.
Thank you for bringing me down to this memory lane with the word “CRUSH”. For more crush scribblings, go to Sunday Scribblings.
Ralph's photo courtesy of Classic Movie Kids
Lyrics of the Song "Ive Got A Crush On You" courtesy of lyricsandsongs.com
Oh Man, I forgot about Ralph Macchio, how could I?!!
He was a cutie pie! Nice scribble :)
So sweet. Liked this.
Painfully yours..
Oh, yes, the Karate Kid. What a cutie he was! :)
Omigosh, I was going to write about Ralph Macchio this week too! I had such a crush on him from "The Outsiders". I bought my first Tiger Beat magazine because of him. I wonder what he's doing now.
bonggamom, I bought my FIRST Tigerbeat magazine because of him too :)
Wax on! Wax off! Yeah, he was a cutie. My celeb crush then was Kirk Cameron, though.
oh my gosh! Me, too! What was it about him?
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