Sunday, November 26, 2017

Because Journaling Is Good For The Soul

Yesterday I discovered that a friend of mine also re-started her blog and writing journal entries of  musings and reflection.  I enjoyed reading her blog because it's written in the same way I write here.  She talked about how she sometimes (or most of the time) overanalyze a situation. I am so the same.  And  journaling via blog helps me in processing my thoughts and dissecting my feelings.  I messaged her telling her that I found her blog. I encouraged her to keep on writing  on her blog  because "writing is good for the soul". ... "journaling is good for the soul".

Yesterday I also discovered a Facebook Page called Button Poetry and it sparked my love for Poetry. I think I might start writing poems again... 

Checked back on the Bucket List I wrote in 2012 and a lot has not been fulfilled. I think I need to be more proactive about fulfilling them.  

With my husband's retirement from his job at the Maui County, we are going through transitions. Praying all will go well, and all will even be better ...

And my book ... oh the book that I am supposed to write.  Nope, not done yet.  I really need to set aside a time to do it.  I also need to let go of  trying to make it a perfect book because it will never be perfect.  I need to remind myself to write according to my writing style.  People follow my blog and social media posting because of my style ... I just have to remain true to my voice and the writing will be easier and I'd be able to finish that book.

a hui hou

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