Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bucket List (Part 1 - Visits and Travels)

For a long time, I resisted on creating a bucket list. However, while on the plane coming back from our wonderful visit in Connecticut, I decided to put together a list.  Let's start with travels:

 A. Visits and Travels
  1. Vacation to the Philippines with my teens, preferably during the Christmas season. 
  2. Visit my brother Relly and his family in LA 
  3. Visit my cousins Neil and Noel and Noel's family (New Jersey)
  4. Go to New York City with Noelle - Mom and Daughter get away 
  5. Go to France with Noelle - another Mom and Daughter get away
  6. Got to Lego Land as a Family - for Gardner 
  7. Family Vacation in Italy 
  8. Tour Israel  with my family or myself
  9. Tour Europe with  family
  10. See the Grand Canyon 
  11. Island Hop - visit all the Hawaiian Islands
  12. Visit my friends, the Mestidios, in Canada
  13. Disney World Family Vacation
  14. Tour around the Philippines - Boracay, Palawan, etc.
  15. A Safari Tour with Gardner
  16. Visit the Philippines and host a grand reunion with my relatives
  17. Visit the Philippines and host a grand reunion with my high school friends (one of the best times of my life)
  18. Visit the Philippines and host a grand reunion with my college friends (special times!)
  19. Visit the Philippines and Spend time at the Prayer Mountain

This now becomes my 3rd post for NoBloPoMo 2012

1 comment:

Karen said...

Wow! Great list. I love very things as much as I love travel, so I get it. Hope your every dream comes true.