Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MTC Chicks at Hana Relay 2009

The official result of the Hana Relay Race is now published at the Valley Isle Runner website. We came in at 103 out of 127 groups. Considering that this is a mixed race - some are all men, some are all women and some are mixed; MTC Chicks did well. Now, truth be known, I am the one who slowed down our team. Knock out 30 minutes from our time and that's the time MTC chicks should have finished the race, had they had another team member with the same caliber as they are. I am not telling this to beat myself up, nor to just blame myself for slowing down the team. I am sharing this to highlight the fact that MTC Chicks Team is rad! My teammates were great - very supportive and fun. I am sharing this to highlight the character that our masters and parents at the Maui Taekwondo Center have. All of us did our best on this relay; all of us had fun; we are a TEAM. And despite my weakness, my teammates said nothing but words of encouragement and praise. I got several e-mails from them after the race, saying how they enjoyed the group and that WE should all do it again next year. I love this team (Betty, Mei, Veronica, Jen, Jamila and Krystene). This reinforces one of the many reasons why my son has been going to Maui Taekwondo Center for about 5 years now. The instructors and parents there "walk the talk". They excel in what they do but they are humble about it and they support and mentor those who do not yet have the same abilities they have. This is such a supportive group. And talking about support, Mr. Donald drove all the way to Hana to see us finish the race! And Christine P. was there to cheer us too!

I hope you all enjoyed the slide show above. More photos from the race posted at www.amauiblog.com

P.S. I just saw that my brother wrote a post on his blog about this race. My brother Joseph is such a "big brother" so supportive and loving, isn't he? :)


Karen said...

YOU DID IT!! so proud of you and the MTC Chicks.

The Williams said...

WAY TO GO, Liza....we are SOOO proud of you!!!!! Congratulations...YOU DID IT!!!!!

Bro J said...

we are so proud of you liza! Getting ready for the half marathon? You can do it! We love you! _ Kuya Jospeh and Ate Baby

Jeri said...

Good job Liza!!! That's such an awesome accomplishment. I'm happy for you!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I was going to email it to you this morning, but you beat me to it. You've done a wonderful job with your blogs.

Very cool that you read Dan Miller's books. I've thoroughly enjoyed them.

Thanks for your words of encouragement.
