When others look at my life from the outside, I am doing very well. When I look at my life in terms of counting my blessings, I am doing marvelously well. But deep inside, there a longing for perfection. Deep inside there's something that I feel I ought to be doing but not doing, or not doing well. And that's when my stress and anxiety comes in.
I was at a loss on how to handle such stress. It's not good to ignore it for at some point it comes out like a monster and I find myself snapping at my husband or kids.
It's crazy how we Christians worry too much when there's a source of power and comfort that is readily available to us ..... if only we ask .. and ask accordingly to His will.
I decided that since I was at a loss, and I really do not have the power to change my situation at this time - that I would depend on God's power to do it for me. I am worried about my kids? hey - God holds their future! What I need to do is to do the best I can (even though in my standard I feel like I am not doing the best), and let God do the rest.
This weekend I bought myself a book. It's called "The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer". I have always been a fan of E. M. Bounds books on prayer. I owned several of them, although I do not have those books anymore because I tend to share it with people who i know can benefit from reading it.
I now have this book next to my bed and read it before I sleep. It inspires me to trust, to have faith, to be persistent in prayer, to hold on to the promises of God, to pursue righteousness, to simply let go and let God. It motivates me to cultivate a prayer life deeper than a "give me" kind of prayer, and yet it allows me to express my desire through prayer without any guilt that I am being selfish or demanding.
I hope to share with you some of the nuggets I find here. However, I recommend that you get yourself a copy of this book. Let's revolutionize our Christian walk with the power of prayer. Let's do it now.
I have not participated in Works For Me Wednesday for a while. I think this is a good post to go back in. For more Works For Me Wednesday, visit it's new home at We Are That Family.
Wonderful Post! Stress and anxiety are spirit killers. But God is a spirit filler. God bless,
I think that stress and anxiety come from fear as the underlying root. I think that when we start thinking "how" "how" how" that's when that happens. It is not for us to think "how" it is only for us to just know "this will."
Perfect love casts out all fear...
my dad always recommends EM Bounds. Very full rich teaching.
I have been working through 'Calm My Anxious Heart' by Linda Dillow with my mentoree at church. She picked the book, but it has really hit home with me. You might enjoy it as well.
Well meditation is a form of prayer. If you relax and pray and only think about God then your anxieties and worries might lessen and you may feel some positive energy flowing inside you.
Deep breathing exercises are excellent for anxiety and many people report positive results from meditation. Some other natural anxiety remedies to look into are St.John's Wort, SAMe, L-Theanine, and Tryptophan.
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