Sunday, March 8, 2009

On Peaks and Valleys Musings

In the middle of the worship during the Sunday morning service a thought came to my mind" "I should have brought a tissue to wipe my snot!"...

You see, on most Sunday I cry during worship. And yet, every stinkin' Sunday (pardon the stinkin' word, I just felt like saying that ;) ) every Sunday I forget to bring a box of tissue or Kleenex. And you know what? I think in a way it is good. At least I know I do not come to church thinking "Oh I am going to cry during the worship". It just happens. Something about the song, the lyrics, touches me, that I would start to cry. But it's not planned. It's not staged. It never was and never will be.

However, crying during worship service is not really the topic of this post. I just had to mention that because I cried again today. And I cried a lot this time. Today ... today is an exceptional Sunday. Joe led the worship, Lani danced worship hula on a very touching song and Kit taught the lessons (or preached as others would call it).

To those of you who are reading this but you're not familiar with Joe and Kit, Joe lost his only son Joey (28 yr old) in May of last year to a sudden death (read blog here); and Kit was diagnosed with terminal cancer (leukemia) about a year ago (read blog here). Both these very close friends of mine are walking in the valley of the shadow of death at this time - and it's amazing to see they continue to love God, continue to trust God, and continue to serve God in the midst of this adversity. This is faith in action. Not the whimpy, gimmie kinda faith, but the faith that says "you give and take away - blessed be the name of the Lord".

I had to sigh a couple of times while typing this post, as I recall the emotion packed morning during the service. The worship was awesome, hula was beautiful, the teaching was exceptionally inspiring. I wish all of you were there.

And now you can here the message online at Hope Chapel website.


Lillybell said...

Me too ! Everytime we sing 'My jesus, My savior' and everytime i sing the credo, it's just overwhelming the feeling in the room.

I'm so glad that your friends could help to encourage others to have faith even through their suffering and you are obviously very proud of them xx lilly

Ron and Barbara said...

Lisa, Thanks for your musings and insight... You're a real blog trooper...

Karen said...

It was a precious Sunday Liza. I wish I could save the moment forever. Thanks again for blogging our church's struggles and victories this past year. What a gift you have given to all of us, you Beautiful Woman. We love you.

Anonymous said...

glad to bump into your site. keep the faith! :)