Dear Past Me,
Remember when you once said "wouldn't it be nice to live in a house close to the beach?"
Well, dear Present Me is now living on Maui, in a house close to the beach.
Dear Past Me,
Remember when you used to pray the rosary every night because you were so afraid of the "end of the world"?
Well, dear Present Me is not afraid anymore because she knows God is in control. Present Me does not pray the rosary anymore. Dear Future Me - you will be in heaven with God - awesome! If anyone wants to know how, Present Me shared how.
Dear Past Me,
Remember when you used to get discouraged when no matter how hard you work you seem to just not make enough money to live comfortably?
Well... Present Me realizes that "working hard" is not the answer. It's "working the best you can and then trusting God" is the answer. Also, being satisfied with what you have and being thankful for it.
And Dear Future Me, be assured that you would be better than Present Me. There's always room for improvement; there's always room for growth.
Dear Past Me,
I know that if someone would have told you that you would be "blogging" (or writing online on the internet), you would be laughing so hard. That's the last thing you thought you would be doing. But now Present Me is enjoys writing (blogging).
Dear Future Me, you will have fun reading back through these scribblings. Your grandkids will giggle and laugh.
You used an original format with your letter memories to past Me given one at a time then answered by both present and future. It is an effective device, even though I do not share your faith in the future.
I love that you're living near the beach in Maui - seems like Paradise to me. Lovely post!
nice post. I find everything you write very interesting to read. Maui sounds like a lush place to live !
I love it. You always make me smile. Blessings to you. Maybe I will still get to your area in this lifetime.
how nicely you wove your thoughts and insights together for yourself to share with all of you --- great faith and wisdom you share with all of us!!!
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