Saturday, November 22, 2008

Liveblogging my De-Cluttering

9:25 AM - Good by barbies - Hello Jonas Brothers - N said we can now donate ALL her Barbie stuff. I am the one having a hard time donating them all. The Barbie purses are sooo cute, nad the dressess...! And while we are de-cluttering, N told me that Joe Jonas broke off with Taylor Swift (is N thinking she now has a chance?)

10: 24 AM Getting a lot done and I have photos to prove it. But hubby wants to go to Costo, so I'd be back in a couple of hours...

3:52 PM Back from Costco. Stopped by Borders so it's PM already. Back to de-cluttering. Can'tpost the photos yet because hubby and son are using the other computer to listen to Harry Potter on CD. Easier to download from there. Photos later. Now back to decluttering while listening to Harry Potter.

will be back for more updates ...

11-26-08 - so much for live blogging this :). I just wanted you to know that after Costco I had to go to Safeway, then cook dinner, then eat dinner, then clean dishes, then do laundry, then read a little and sleep....


~*Mistee*~ said...

Too cute! Who knows you might be a Jonas MIL soon enough?!?!?!? Remember us little people and don't let the fame go to your head!! :0)

Real Life Sarah said...

Ah, the day they grow out of Barbies! Its bitter sweet!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I think I'll be sad the day I can get rid of the Barbies! ;)

Good luck decluttering!

Anonymous said...

oh rats, cant you box up and hide barbie stuff under a bed for 20 years? There are some childhood things that just can't be replaced/replicated.

Barbie is that for me.

Anonymous said...

aww, giving up barbie would be hard...we're still at little ponies and princesses!! :) the JB are cuties though ;)