By the way, any of you "me dear blog reader and friends" on Twitter? If you are, please leave me your twit address so I can follow you. Better yet, look on my right side bar (lower right sidebar) for my twit updates and follow me from there. Or click on that litttle birdie photo on the left in this post and it will take you to my twitter page. When you follow me, I definitely will follow you. It is quite fun twitting. It's microblogging - great when in a rush :)
Speaking of rush, gotta go. Need to get ready for work!
P.S. dear bloggy friends who gave me an award, I am not ignoring it, I am just hectic this week but will work on my acceptance speech (smile) (ok, acceptance and paying it forward post) this weekend. I do appreciate the awards and was thrilled to see your note that you gave them to me (several of you - I will name you on my acceptance speech :).
Now, I really need to log off.
Update: It's Fri afternoon and when I re-read my post this morning it says "gave mean awards" instead of "gave ME AN award" Yikes! so sorry.. I didn't mean to call it mean :)
ok, i'm now following you =) my id is "sunshine4me"
hope you have a great weekend.
I am going to our page so I can follow you on Twitter! I twitter tooooo!! :0)
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