Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Mopsy

For more Wordless Wednesday,
visit 5 Minutes for Moms


Anonymous said...

Aww to cute!

Forgetfulone said...

They are so adorable! Great photos.

Busymama Karen said...

Mopsy is cute and has a cute name too.

Anonymous said...

She is SO cute!

Laura Paxton said...

Bunnies are always SO fun!

Unknown said...

OOOH how cute and cuddly!!

Rhonda Gales said...

What a cute little bunny. This is the 3rd post that I've seen with a bunny. One black, one white and now Mopsy. I gave my 9 month old grandson a plush Peter Rabbit last week. Must be bunny season.

Saph said...

So cute! and looks so soft!!