Saturday, February 2, 2008

Prrrtttt .... Foul!

Sunday Scribbling's prompt this week is "FOUL".....

My introduction to this word "foul" was through "basketball games" we used to watch as a family, when I was a kid. (remember, English is my second language).

Prrrtttt ... foul! the referee whistled as he would point out who the "foul" was (or who did the foul move).

I am just thinking ...would it be nice if we all have a referee to make us accountable for our actions. Wouldn't it be nice to have an "official referee" for our families that when kids (or us - hubby and I) do not play nice, he (or she) would call, whistle and shout - Foul!


paisley said...

it would be wouldn't it???

Anonymous said...

It sure would be - great post!!!

Anonymous said...

I read Linda's post. It too is about basketball. A poem. One of my favourite sports. I was in my school basket ball team.

Foul rings in my ear even now.


myrtle beached whale said...

Some say we do have a referee that makes us accountable.......God.

Jennifer Hicks said...

good friends can call our shit, but mostly it's up to us to remain conscious and honest.

Tumblewords: said...

LOL. I'd probably learn to ignore THAT person, too! Provocative post, to be sure!

Anonymous said...

An interesting thought but - no thanks!

anthonynorth said...

Sadly, we have such a referee. He's called Conscience.

little wing writer said...

isn't that like the chalkboard keeping points...