Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Worship and Prayer - The Antidote for Stress

*** This is an old post of my favorite worship songs. I am usingit today 1/16/08 as my "Thankful Thursday" post...

Hectic. Frantic. Stressed.
Don't fret - there's an antidote for those.
Yes, worship and prayer.
So it here it goes:

1. Lord Of God Speak
2. Heart Of Worship
3. Once Again
4. Enough
5. Voice Of Truth
6. Show Me Your Glory
7. Bring The Rain
8. You Never Let Go
9. Draw Me Close
10. I Simply Live For You
11. Mighty To Save
12. So Close
13. Everyday

Thank you Lord for the privilege and blessing of worshiping you.

For more Thankful Thursday, visit Iris at Sting My Heart


Andrea Frazer said...

Your mom is ill? Praying for her.

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Im doing a read-the-bible-in-a-year challenge this year and we were discussing worrying yesterday so this is wonderful to read and essentially says what I said dont worry turn back to God
Im going to borrow this if you dont mind


Katrina said...

Great song list! Some of my favorites. :)

Susan said...

Wow, those are my favorite songs too!!

Hope you have a super blessed day today.

Happy TT!

Denise said...

Great song list.

Heather said...

Those are some worshipful songs.

eph2810 said...

Yes, a Worship song during the week will lift the heart.

Thank you so much for sharing the list of your favorite songs.

Blessings to you and yours.