While we're at it, I also Googled the word "Smokey Mountain". Another dump where people live. Not only did I find photos, but I actually found videos of it. Like this one.
And while I was watching the video, a still small voice whispered. Remember your conversation with your husband this morning? Ah, the conversation. You see, the other day we watched "Star Dust" and my hubby really liked it. I told him the movie is good but I just don't like Claire Daines. He was curious why. Then I told him how I hate her because she said some bad things about the Philippines. The Lord reminded me that I should not hate. Sure she said some horrible things about the Philippines, but it's not for me to hate. Sure what she said is horrible, but there really are some places in the Philippines that are really filled with poverty. Granting it's not what the Philippines is all about, granting that in general, the Philippines is a very beautiful country despite it's poverty, the truth is poverty is an ugly thing and it does exist in some parts (many parts) of the Philippines. And so I had to let go of the hatred and I am thankful that God showed me I should - for hate is not a good thing.
And while I am on the subject of being thankful, I want to mention how thankful I am that Shannon (Rocks In My Dryer) and Sophie (Boomama) are going on a mission to Uganda. They are going there with Compassion International, to later on blog about Uganda, to make the world aware of their need. I am sure they will have a tremendous impact and I am so thankful that they heeded the call to go.
Another Christian I am thankful about is Scott, who is willing to sell his blood to have money for a mission to help the poor in Mexico.
To read more Thankful Thursday posts, visit "Sting My Heart".
Amen, great people to be thankful for, bless you.
You had a good idea about showing your children other less fortunate kids. My daughter was complaining about her car. (She really has a nice car). I tried telling her some kids do not even have a vehicle. She got a much better attitude after realizing that. You really have such a thankful heart. Thanks for sharing it with us. God Bless!
It's good to open the world to our children. All 4 of our children have been on foreign soil for missions. Very awesome heart changes. We have a friend who just returned from being in the Philippines for almost 3 years. Yes there's poverty, but she fell in love with the people. It was an awesome experience for her. Thanks for sharing today. Blessings!
Thanks for sharing its a nice one. Take care.
We often forget, as we worry about silly little things, how terrible some people really have it. Thank you for your wonderful post.
I think it is so sweet that you sat down with your son to teach him about attitude.
You are right, Liza. There is a lot of poverty not only oversees, but also in the US. I am sorry that someone said some bad things about the Philippines - it is not their right to talk about something they might not even have experienced.
Way cool that Boomama and Shannon are going on a mission trip.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.
Be blessed today and always.
What a wonderful post on sharing thankfulness with your son. Sometimes we all need a little perspective.
Your beautiful Phillipines was just perfect. Wonerful words here. God bles you and your son. Love and hugs, Lynn
That was a really good idea to show and be able to teach your children important lessons like that..This is something that will not only help them draw closer to other people but also to learn about God's love and compoassion.
What a wonderful post!
I am so glad you took the opportunity to teach your son.
Of course our kids won't know how people in this world live if no one shows them.
Not only will he be more content with his own situation, he may grow DIScontent with others' situations and desire to do something about it.
Way to go.
And thank you for the kind mention.
It's so much easier going under the needle knowing that it's a small price to pay for something huge to someone else. Bless you.
I love the way you took that moment to teach your son a life lesson. We all tend to feel ungrateful until we see how good we have it.
though it's sad that inorder for you to feel better, you need to think that other people are having less, it helps to make us realize that we are indeed blessed. sad but true.
Great idea to show your son how others live not just tell him! My brother spent time in the Philippines and talks about how wonderful the people were despite the poverty.
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