Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Know I Am Procrastinating When...

... there are 461 e-mails in my inbox that I have not cleaned up

... I still have in my house the cards and gifts I needed to mail to Ernestine, Christina, and Kristen's son (the rock) for Christmas (sigh!)

... I have in my to do list "to call mom (Mother in law)" - but I have not called her for more than a month!

... I have 5 plastic bins of paper clutter that I said I'll sort out - they are still in those bins

... sigh...

I think I need to check out this post one more time.


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I have a list of things to do this morning (including Christmas thank you notes) and I'm procrastinating too! ;)

Thia said...

Thanks for reminding me that I too, need to call my mil...

Keeping It Real said...

Chronic procrastinator that I am, I know all too well what you mean.

Still haven't wished my granddad a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hope he'll forgive me.

Anonymous said...

come on now, a post on Dawn soap but calling the mother-in-law has been on the to do list for a month? hmmmm...there's some deep psychological meaning to that I'm sure...

Liza on Maui said...

debbie d... You got it - I'm sure there is - what exactly that is I am not sure. Maybe you can guess ;)

Kristen said...

Awww, you're so sweet. You haven't forgotten about us! I have been so bad about blogging lately, I thought you may have forgotten about us!