Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Making of the Gingerbread House (Yes, the Costco Gingerbread House)

I have so much to share, but no time to write (it's 12 at midnight already and I need to sleep). In lieu of my post about this fun weekend, I decided to post our Gingerbread House making photos for now. Captions will have to come later but I think you already get the idea :)

And oh - I decided to join the Weekly Winners at Sarcastic Mom's Blog, and the photos below are my official entries :)

I hope you enjoyed these photos.
Post about the fun weekend might
have to wait until this coming weekend ;)

There are many more great Christmas tradition sharing at
Conversations with My Hair Dryer
as she's hosting the carnival called December Happenings
Go there and check it out!

Related Post:
Works For Me Wednesday:
Making Christmas Memories
and Time Flies So Fast


Secret Agent Mama said...

I so loved how you chronicled the event in pictures! :D

They look so great, too.

Secret Agent Mama's WW!

MP said...

Great photos...the way it's all laid out it makes it look easy!!

Unknown said...

I've never tried to make a gingerbread house before. I remember that my grandma made them, but she passed away when I was 6, so I never had the chance to make one with her. In a few years, this sounds like a great project for us!

Have a great day!

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

The gingerbread houses look great! We didn't ever do this growing up, but now that I've seen yours, it looks fun! Thanks for posting at Holiday Happenings!

Anonymous said...

Those look like SO much fun! What a great memory and tradition. Great picutres.
