Then ... the other day, while I was reading some posts at AC180, I noticed a tab that said "40 Days". I checked it out and found out that it was a group blog on the book 3:16. When I read some of the entries I realized that I made a mistake by "benching" this book in the bookshelf - so I pulled it out and started reading it. First chapter alone spoke so much inspiration and wisdom - I couldn't believe I waited this long to read it.
Then an idea came to mind (I'd like to think it's inspired by the Holy Spirit, but I can't confirm that yet). The great idea is to host an online devotion of this "40 Days With the Son" devotion at the end of the 3:16 book, in preparation for Christmas.... (there's actually 44 days left till Christmas!)
You see ... what better way to prepare our hearts for Christmas than to actually get to know the Christ of Christmas is a deeper and more intimate level. Afterall, Christ is what Christmas is all about (at least, that's what it's supposed to be).
So... are you with me? Would you join me? This is just an initial announcement. i will have another post on how we'll do it, etc. In the meantime, I need to find someone who will make a "button" for this "devotion on line". I don't know who to do that but I really would like to get the ord out in the blogosphere about this "40 days with the Christ of Christmas" that I am desperate for a clickable button that would link to the post on this. Anyone wants to volunteer? please e-mail. My address is on the left sidebar (contact me).
If you're planning to join, I suggest you buy the book now..... It's worth it (one Amazon reviewer gave it at one star and didn't like it... but that's his opinion; the other reviewer gave it a 5 star - that's her opinion too. I wonder what your opinion will be - we'll see ... :)
I think this is a great idea.....let's get our minds on the real focus of Christmas! I wish I knew how to make a button for you. But I am clueless in that department also.
I think it's a great idea! Anything that brings us closer to Christ and keeps us in the right frame of mind for the holiday is a great idea. I wish I had that book. Maybe I can get a copy soon. I'll keep looking for info on your blog.
I'm anxious to see what you will be posting. I have a book in mind for us for a devotional and it is more "Advent" & 24 days. Maybe I can work up to 40 days--a much better idea.
Always in Him
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