Friday, October 12, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Dream Job

Sunday Scribbling's prompt for this week is "first job, worst job, dream job". Instead of trying to cover all of it, I'd focus on the dream job.

My dream job at this moment is to be an Executive Director for a Non-Profit Company called "Learning Nest". Of course, "Learning Nest" is another dream - it's the organization I want to form whose mission is to support the kids with Learning Disabilities and their families as well.

In this dream job, I will be working only part time (so I can have more time with my family). In my dream, our organization will have a lot of supporters and grants that, I, as the Executive Director, I will not be stressed about finding grants - but my focus would be developing the programs to better serve the community we want to minister to.

In my vision I see a facility - a huge, beautiful, high-tech facility, family friendly facility where kids with learning disabilities (and even those without) can gather. There will be tons of Assistive Technology available, there will be a library, there will be Arts center, and also a place just to hang out. There will be friendly and knowledgeable staff available. It will be a haven.

Someday ... maybe someday ...

For more scribblings on "jobs" visit Sunday Scribblings :)


Andrea Frazer said...

I'll be the first person to grant you money when I'm rich and famous from my dream job.

Speaking of money, I am interested in Blog Her ads. Perhaps we could chat one day via phone? If so, email me at

As far as dream jobs, one of them for me is my own column which I recently got for Good Housekeeping and Babycenter. Two! You are the first to know and I'm not announcing it on my blog until we go live. Which is, for Babycenter, Monday.

Wish me luck! I'll send a link.

Meanwhile, thank you for always checking in on me. You are better at it than I am. Which includes your faith as well. I admire that.

Talk to you soon and again, thank you for your constant support.

Granny said...

Liza, thank you.

If you read my recent posts on granny, you'll know that my husband and I no longer have the girls.

It was a heartbreaking decision but one we had to make.

At least, now I get to be granny for a change.

Your dream sounds wonderful. As you said, perhaps someday.


ANA said...

wow now it is not daily you come across people who are given the complete power to choose a dream, and you find out their contentment lies in things beyond just self. We need more people to dream dreams like these....

Tumblewords: said...

It sounds like the perfect job! Perfect for you, perfect for the attendees and the providers. Good luck!

Forgetfulone said...

Your dream job sounds altruistic and emotionally satisfying. You can do it!

Kamsin said...

Awesome dream! Let's hope you'll see it happen one day soon!

Anonymous said...

We need to have dreamsin order to fulfill those! Someday....

JP (mom) said...

I like that dream! As a current Exec Director, the finding grants part is the most challenging, so I wish for you many large, generous endowments! Peace, JP/deb

Patois42 said...

I love your dream job.

Unknown said...

I hope you achieve your dream. I too have dreamt of starting a foundation or not-for-profit to provide services for kids--in my case for autistic kids. The lack of access to knowledgeable specialized services and to assistive technology is troubling to me.