Saturday, October 27, 2007

Busy Weekend

It's a very busy weekend. I have many things to blog about, just don't have the time to blog about it :). It's N's birthday today. I have 5 girls for a sleep over. They were dropped off at 5:30PM. Tomorrow, we have a birthday party - will start at 11AM end at 4:00PM (maybe later...). Will catch up sometime this week.

In the meantime, don't forget to leave a comment here and you'll be entered in a drawing for a $10. Aloha!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to N
hope its a good weekend for all of you

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Happy Birthday to N! I hope the party was fun!

We did a sleepover for 22 a few years ago...I am still recovering! :)