Monday, September 24, 2007

I Think I Need A Vacation

I think I am nearing my breaking point and if I don't make the decision to take a vacation from work, I'd have a breakdown sometime, somewhere....

There's nothing major or specific that I can point out in terms of what I need to deal with ... it's a bunch of little things: untied loose ends, to do's that I never could accomplish is my limited weekend away from work, family goals, marriage goals, goals for my kids, that just kept nagging me in the back of my head because I know what to do but I don't do them. For example, I know for a fact that our morning routines need some more structure. It has gotten better through the years, and my parents stay here is immensely helping me in the morning - but I am thinking when my parents go to California, and they're not here anymore in the morning, I'd be a basket case again. I need to TRAIN my kids... I know what to do to train my kids ... but I need time, sufficient time to do this "training".... little things like making their beds when they get out of bed, preparing or getting their own breakfast (they are old enough to be able to do this), brushing their teeth without my verbal reminder (specially for my son), making sure all the school stuff are ready to go, packed in their bags, instead of accidentally leaving them on our dining table ...

I really need to take some time off to do some "self organization" and "mommy organization" ... I think I need a vacation "from work" so I can "work at home, like stay at home moms do". Yep, mommies never stop working ;)


Gretchen said...

Sometimes it's the dailiness of daily life that gets to us, Liza. I pray that you will find peace and rest in a break. Remember that you don't have to be all things to all people; it may feel that way, but it's not true. And...if your cup isn't full, you can't help fill others. So, I think you are one smart cookie to be taking a break. Blessings and hugs. Gretchen

Anonymous said...

praying for you Liza

Forgetfulone said...

I can relate. I need to take a day off from work to catch up with loose ends at home, too! As moms, we are pulled in so many different directions, and so many people rely on us, that we tend to forget ourselves. If you take a day off work, Liza, do something for yourself!

Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife said...

Hey, Liza.

I'm not sure how old your kids are, but if you get a chance, take a look at the "Controlling The Weather" post on my blog. My kids used to be a bit irresponsible, but this system (which could EASILY be modified to fit your needs) is working SO WELL for us!

Hope you're fun to have your parents for a visit!

Mayogi said...

Hi Liza! I know the feeling. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed as well right now and really could do with a break.

Anyway, I've written a post about our mornings and they actually run smooth most of the time nowadays.

Remember, a happy mom is a better mom. You need to take care of YOU for a bit now, try to drop some of your obligations and take some "me-time". Maybe a walk in a park or a coffee with a friend? Sometimes a few hours off can make wonders.

Take care and God bless!

Anonymous said...

It's so universal! I worked outside the home for a long time, and now work from home, and the challenges of keeping myself, my kids, my marriage, and my family goals and activities balanced continues to be a daily endeavor. It's so good to know our beloved Lord is standing by--because I can run into His arms when I can't take a vacation! We're with ya--and most importantly, He's with you--right there in the midst of it all!
In His love, Chris

Anonymous said...

Oh Liza do I know where you are coming from!!! And my kids are 10 and 12 and I am still training them with their morning routine. However, we are making progress, it all takes time, effort, and motivation.....and lots of chocolate, prayer and a good cup of coffee in the morning.

I have been buying foods for breakfast that they can make themselves, even toast and an apple works for us some mornings. My kids are big enough that money motivates them, so I fine them if they are not ready to go out the door, and let me tell you it usually only takes one time and things get better.

I will pray for you, us working moms need to stick together!!