Saturday, September 1, 2007

10 Books That Greatly Influenced My Christian Life

Not in order of importance; some fiction, some non-fiction - but all these books helped shaped my Christian life today:

1. The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer
2. The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul
3. Blessings Out Of Buffetings by Alan Redpath
4. This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti
5. Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray
6. The Cross and The Switchblade by David Wilkenson
7. A Book on Prayer by E.M. Bounds
8. My Utmost For His Highest by Charles Spurgeon
9. Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
10. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

** Update: My sister in law "Ate Baby" gently pointed out that My Utmost For His Highest" is by Oswald Chambers and not Charles Spurgeon. She's right. I listed these off my memory - I'd have to check bach which Spurgeon Book I was talking about but I was really touched my "My Utmost..." too :)


Joyful Days said...

I'm a big fan of Lewis and Peretti influenced me quite a bit too.



Diane Meyer said...

I have read most of those at some time, but I think I'll look up the others. Thanks for posting the list.