Friday, July 6, 2007

Be Still ...

In my "quickie blog hopping" the other day I saw this photo taken by Sarala. I sensed God's prompting as I appreciated this shot. "Slow Down"...the photo says..."Be Still" God's voice whispered.

I woke up around 4AM today with the same thoughts in my head: "Slow Down", "Be Still".

Why do we creatures have a propensity to make ourselves busier that we ought to be? That, I cannot understand. It just seems so hard to "be still", be still enough to be able to hear God speaking to us; be still enough to appreciate the many blessings God has poured in our lives.

Be still.... you'd think we'd jump right ahead at the invitation to do nothing. And yet in our society today, it almost is a "no, no" to be still. There's so much to do, so much to accomplish, so much to achieve, so many things to buy, so many challenges to conquer, so many ambitions and dreams to pursue...

Be still... I hear the Lord speaking in my heart. Be still... it's the only way to God's heart. He says "Be still and know that I am God".

As I went back to Sarala's Blog (Blogaway) to download the photo above, I read some of her previous posts and I was led to a very sentimental blog. It's a legacy blog... a blog that further reminds me to "be still", for life is short. Nattie Writes blog is quite unique. It's a blog started by Nattie but continued on by her Dad. Nattie passed away in June, but her memory and writing lives on. I cried as a read many of the current posts, and I will go back there to read some more.

Be still. God wants to speak to us. God wants to encourage us. God wants to converse with us. But He can't do that when we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

Slow Down... God is reminding us to slow down. Be still and know that He is God. (Psalms 46:10)

Matt also posted about being still
Poppycock also posted about life being short


raqgold said...

you are right, sometimes we should also relax and appreciate the silence. teaching the kids to hear and enjoy the sound of silence is good, too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind mention of "Nattie Writes."

Gretchen said...

What a beautiful, and timely (at least for me) post, Liza.

BTW, I've tagged you for a meme which fits in well with this theme, I think.

Anonymous said...

Yes this is so true, I agree with you that we have "a propensity to make ourselves busier." I posted on this same subject about a month ago, I had the same conviction as you on this matter. Here is the link for my post on being still...... still and know that HE is God!

Rena said...

Thank you for this reminder. This goes along with something I've been thinking about lately--being quiet. Not only are we extremely busy all the time, but we also don't take much time to be quiet in our minds and listen for God. There is always so much noise all around--not only in the physical world, but in those noisy thoughts that tend to drown out prayers. Thank you for this post!