- How did you start blogging?
In October of 2006, I was feeling stressed and abandoned and I needed a place to introspect. I love journaling and I have kept a journal for many years but at that time I felt I needed something more… therefore I started blogging …
- Did you intend to be a blog w/a following? If so, how did you go about it?
No. I didn’t even think someone else would care to read my blog regularly. Then “hockeymum”, a friend from Schwablearning message board told me that she likes reading my blog…then my brother and sister in law also started reading it … and the readers grew from then on…
- What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog? Have you been successful? If not, do you have a plan to achieve those goals?
- Introspection. Like what my subtitle on my header states, this blog is a place where I write “my thoughts”. Yes, I am achieving this goal.
- Encouragement. I realized that some of my thoughts becomes an encouragement to others when I post it and that was very fulfilling. Therefore, whatever I write here, I hope would encourage, motivate or touch someone else, especially those who need it most. I also love being encouraged through your comments. Not to forget, I get encouraged when I read other blogs too.
- Testimony. Even though I wouldn’t consider this blog “spiritual or evangelistic”, my goal is to show to the world that being a Christian is not being religious. It’s a relationship with Christ and a way of life.
- Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? How?
Well, it changed from personal blog, to a mom blog, to a personal blog, to a mom blog and to both. The essence is still the same (true to my goal)
- What do you know now that you wish you'd known when you started?
I am not sure … I am relatively a “young blogger” .. I have not even been blogging for a year. So far it's been good...
- Do you make money with your blog?
A few cents a day :) through Google Ads. If a viewer click the ads and explore it, a get paid a few cents :) - Yesterday I earned 2 cents - LOL!!!! (update 8/1/07): I make more than 2 cents a day now :)
- Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? If so, do they read it? If not, why?
My husband knows my blog but he’s not particularly fond of it. He actually wishes I’d stop blogging. He does not read my blog. He thinks having "live friends" is better than having "digital friends". (update 8/1/07) - Hubby now supports my blogging :), and actually "proud" I blog :) )
My kids (8 and 9) know and they love it. They love the idea that their mommy blogs (see Letter L on this post). They think that’s cool.
My brothers and their family know and love to read my blog regularly. My parents are not computer literate so they couldn’t read my blog regularly even though they’d love to.
My husband’s family somewhat knows but I don’t think they read it either.
My friends Karen J and Todd W reads this regularly :)
This may not apply to “all bloggers” but only to a certain type: I’d say:
a. Blog from your heart – be honest, be real. People loves to read honest posts. For me, I also love reading positive blogs and humorous blogs.
b. Develop relationships (on-line friendships) through blog – leave comments and you read other blogs. None of my "real live" friends here on Maui blog. Most of my readers are friends developed from blogging.
For more blogging stories, go to Chilihead's blog here.
RELATED POST: My blogging story told in a different way. click HERE
Updated thoughts on blogging, click here.
Hi Liza...Karen J here. Just wanted you to know that I loooovvvee reading your blog, and am so glad you took the plunge! All of us lucky readers benefit in a wonderful way from Liza's view of life. God bless you and keep up the good work.
Much love, Karen
I almost forgot about this meme! I just posted mine. I'm so glad you blog!!! Hope you had a good Monday!
Thanks for visiting my blog. It's nice to meet you! I enjoyed reading your story. I think your goals are great.
You asked about using an Elisabeth Elliot quote about fathers and sons that I had on my blog. Sure, I am happy for you to use it!
I just read your comment and I am so glad we met through blogging too! Lately, I haven't had time to comment, but I know I can always come here for encouragement and find something positive to focus on. Most times your current post is exactly what I need to hear!
p.s. Wordpress is great! You don't have as many design options unless you pay, but it's an excellent blog platform!
What a great blogging story! Blog from the heart is great advice. It can be a little scary, but in the end, it's worth the risk, I think.
Even though my husband blogs - our blogs are soooo different. He just does not get mine.
I think the saddest thing is that your husband doesn't get the "whys" in your blogging. I love having Mr. Right's support with blogging.
But good for you for sticking with it. And you never know when blogging will lead to "real life" friends. I've met several bloggers so far that have turned into the real deals.
Hi Liza, thanks for directing me here today! You seem very real. I'll be back to read more tonight.
Hi Liza. You've done a very good job for your blog. I love the arrangement and the contents are quite rich. Keep up the good work.
I just started blogging this week. I have a lot of challenges, and I can do with some advise on layout.
You can check out my blog www.brotee.blogspot.com
Hi Liza,
It's me - Lisa B! I know this is God's doing. I just wrote on my to-do list this morning that I need to start journaling again. I'm having quite a tough time with my teenager and I know journaling will help me process. Then, I'm online and I stumble across your blog! It's awesome! What a great way to journal and process. I loved reading your blog today and I look forward to more!
Hi Lisa B,
I am so glad you found me. Blogging has been very therapeutic to me and I'm really enjoying it. i think you will too so start one up! Let me know the URL once you do ;)
Okay, here's my blog!
~Lisa B.
Hi, Liza! Just would like to let you know yours is one of the earliest blogs i've read when i decided to start blogging. I found it very inspiring, especially in those moments when i feel lost on what to do (about creating my blog)...and how to put in concrete form all the ideas running at the back of my mind.
Keep blogging because your warm energies are flowing out, maybe, even without you knowing it. :-)
hey there...
Your blog is refreshing. It took me a hundred years back to when we were in college and I was a new Christian (thanks to you). Just a couple of days ago, the Lord reminded me of how my relationship was with Him..how we talked every morning and how we walked together through the day. Such joyous moments!
Of course, when I saw "My Father's Eyes", I knew I was in your site. That was ever since your favorite song.
I started to write a blog myself, in my friendster I recall. Of course, with how things are at work and at home, blogging would not be in my to do list. It would always end up in my "wish I could do" list.
I'll be your regular visitor here, if only to get a cup of your refreshing brew of the day. God bless.
- Susan
Hi Liza, I can't make any comment for now he he. -- Hero Daquis
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