Sunday, June 17, 2007

Blogging Thoughts

Father's Day is almost over. DaddyB had a wonderful day and he is now fast asleep. I, on the other hand, is here in front of the computer blogging away. Why am I so addicted to blogging? That is hard to explain. All I know is that it's sort of a therapy...a catharsis of some sort.

Many of you know that Chilihead recently hosted a carnival of "blogging stories". I found it very fascinating to read the blogging stories of some of my favorite bloggers like Boomama, Rocks In My Dryer, I Should be Folding My Laundry, Coulda Been Worse, and more. Go to Chilihead's post to read their stories

Tonight I was reading Kamsin's post about blogging and it's quite interesting. It got me thinking more about my blogging. The very first time I heard of the word blog is when Scott (from Schwablearning) went on vacation and he gave us a link to his blog, probably about 2 years ago. It was only last year that I decided to start a blog. Funny thing is that now Scott said he hates blogging. His post about blogging is thought provoking (scroll down to April 3 post when you go there)..... Interestingly, Kamsin's blog is also one of the first blogs I read when I first discovered blogging. I can't remember how I ended up in her blog, but I'm glad I did.

I am quite sleepy now. I'd continue these thoughts tomorrow.....


Anonymous said...

I will have to check these links out that shared. I hope you rested peacefully. Thank you very much for the kind comments about my blog's header! Have a wonderful Monday. I have determined to spend the entire day in my Jammies! ((Hugs))

Kamsin said...

Glad you did find my blog Liza! I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on blogging.