Thursday, June 7, 2007

Beauty (Updated)

I posted this video yesterday because I think the message is worth telling. I was in a rush so I didn't get to add my thoughts on it. Now I am back to comment. If you have not seen this yet, watch the video below and tell me what you think:

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised
Proverbs 31:10

I am not against taking care of ourselves. I am all for self-improvement. Back when I was a "teenager" I was the first one in my group of friends who experimented with make-up. I do not use cosmetics as much anymore nowadays, but it's more of "lack of time" that cause me to not put make-up on in the morning. I am comfortable with myself, with or without make-up.

Like what I said, I am not against cosmetics. A preacher once said, "if a house needs paint, paint it!", and I agree. It's when we become "obsessed" with this "beauty" thing that makes it "bad".

Aside from the video above, I found out that Dove produced another mini video that is somewhat related to this. It brings home the point that our daughters needs protection against the distorted view of beauty in our society nowadays. You might have seen it on TV commercials already, if not, here it is:

I think I'll show this to my daughter when she wakes up...(by the way, after watching the video above, you'll notice in the bottom of that screen that there are some more choices. If you click on those little boxes, it shows more videos related to this post. Check them out.)


BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

That's very cool Liza! And eye-opening.

Anonymous said...

I came here for WFMW, but had to comment on this - what an amazing short film. I hadn't seen it before. I was just reading stuff on how "airbrushing" is so a part of our world now we don't even notice it.

JJ said...

Thanks for posting. I'm really impressed what Dove is trying to do.
I haven't yet purchased any "teen" magazines for my daughter as I'm worried about her comparing herself to these images.

Kamsin said...

Thanks for posting these Liza! It is so sad that women, and girls don't think of themselves as beautiful. I met a young woman just the other day who was sharing in her testimony how she'd been set a task at a YWAM training session to look in the mirror and tell herself she was beautiful and she couldn't do it. She was absolutely gorgeous, beautiful skin, eyes, hair everything. Why is it so hard for women to see themselves as beautiful? I think it goes deeper than just magazines and advertising, although obviously that doesn't help. Have you read the book Captivating? It's really worth a read if you haven't, about who a woman is in God's eyes.

raqgold said...

hi liza, i didnt know that this dove campaign was not active in Pinas. a lot of dove ads in both print and tv, are impressing us with this message since last year in both US and europe. i hope they would reach asia soon.