The following is a word from the Lord spoken through a member of Hope Chapel, Kermit Coad, in March 26, 1995. These words were such a comfort to me during my difficult time of adjustment as a newly wed in a new country with my family and childhood friends so far away from me. These words brought me so much peace and encouragement then, may these be an encouragement to you now:
My children,
The most important thing is OUR relationship. Everything else is dependent on this. You cannot hope to look to others or situations to bring you peace, joy or happiness. When things are positive and go well, rejoice and be thankful, but do not look for your source of comfort or affirmation in the world, and do not seek it in the flesh.
There is no genuine love, joy, peace or fulfillment apart from Me. Remember that. Me first! Your world view will be skewed if you forget this truth. It is the enemy's plan to subtly allure you away from Me. Recognize it. Remember it, Don't let it happen. Be watchful and prayerful. Return to Me as your first love. Exalt Me above all else and I will lift you up. Rejoice in this fact.
Prove Me by wholly embracing it in spirit, in truth, in faith and in reality. Without putting me first, there is no clear or balanced vision; no clear direction. I AM ...The Way.
Lovely post. I'm going to reference it to a friend of mine. He sure IS the way, isn't He? I wonder why I lose that perspective so often. Thanks for the reminder.
He is the truth, the way and the life
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