Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sunday Afternoon Blues

If you're a new reader... get used to this: Sunday afternoons are not a good time for me. I almost titled this post "I'm stressed, therefore I blog". Someday I will overcome this (maybe when I retire) but for now, bear with me as I blog away my stress.

So, "Did you accomplish your last Urgent/Important task?", some of you may ask. The answer is "NO, I haven't". This last task is to "write down all the things I need to do or want to do for the next couple of weeks so I can put them is the Matrix". Hopefully, I'd do them tonight. I know... some of you may be thinking "why not do that now instead of blog?" but "I like blogging". This is part of "my quite time"... "my time for myself". Doing the list and matrix is good, and it's also for me, but it's different. It's work, not a "release"...not "cathartic" like blogging.

So on to blogging. here are my random thoughts:

1. I started another blog. SAY WHAT ???? Yes, you read it right...I started another blog. There's no post there yet but I already chose the lay-out and it's got it's own address. It's called "ALL ABOUT TWEENS". I'll tell you more about it later...I just want you to be the first to know that I did this. It's a "ministry".....

I need to do some "house/family stuff"

To be continued on Monday
Correction: To be continued on Tuesday because
on Monday I will participate in One Day Blog Silence


Andrea Frazer said...

I look forward to reading your new stuff. Congrats on getting some tasks done. I know all too well how wonderful it feels (as I sit here with an extremely clean house, the smell of orange citrus wood polish wafting through... ahhhhhhh)

Gretchen said...

Hang in there, Liza. Baby steps, and good enough is good enough.