Monday, January 9, 2012

The Power Of Vulnerabilty by Brene Brown

This TED Talk, The Power of Vulnerability is one of my most favorite Ted Talk. Go ahead, grab a chair and sit comfortably before you watch, because once you start watching it, you would want to finish it till the end...

TEDxMaui is happening here on Maui on January 22, 2012.  Interested? Go to TEDxMaui website for details.


Marilyn said...

I loved this Ted talk. She speaks of the power of accepting our vulnerability. I loved how she comes to realize it's okay and can actually make us better people who are worthy to love and be loved. ~ Marilyn

Karen said...

Loved it, Liza. Thanks so much for sending it to me. Now I must pass it on. Beautiful. Thank you, my friend. Love you.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Liza, thank you. You are loved...
Have a good day.

Ihilani said...

This was an amazing talk! I started it a while back but had to leave it to go do something or other...I'm so glad you posted it so I could remember to watch it. It was so, so powerful and I need to watch and re-watch this. Seriously. This is gonna help me so much. Thanks for sharing.

Lena Castles said...

Liza...I played the video while going thru MBN. Multitasking got to do it :) I loved it!!! I will watch again later when I can focus on this without doing other stuff. Thanks for posting it and I must say I LOVE your header on this blog!!