Pastor Dominic announced on Sunday that he and his family are moving to England. The first official announcement was done last Wednesday night. (listen to it at God of New Things podcast) .
We just started attending Calvary Chapel South Maui about a month ago, and I was truly enjoying pastor Dominic's teachings. I was being ministered to in a way that I needed to. So, deep inside of me I wanted to be very disappointed when I first heard the news. Obviously, for selfish reasons. I wanted to feel betrayed or let down. I wanted them to stay. But the other part of me knows it's all in God's hands and it's all part of the plan. I knew he is following God's will.
The last 4 weeks that we are going to Calvary Chapel I kept on thinking how much the Sunday messages were designed specially for me. Each Sunday I come home feeling encouraged by the Lord through pastor Dominic's words. The truth is, the message was designed for all of us, including pastor Dominic's family. God has a way of working together everything for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I am sad, yes. But life will go on and God will use another one to minister to me, to us. And he will use pastor Dominic and his family in England.
Last night I listened to the podcast of the Wednesday Bible Stody (God of New Things) where he poured out his heart as he announced this move. The story is all too close to my heart. Many events in my life were similar in a way (even way back when I was still in the Philippines). I thought of blogging about those stories, but can't even find the energy or the words to do so. All I know is that there is a common thread in the stories: that sometimes God pour us from vessel to vessel to accomplish the will that He has for us and for the world. What I had learned is that if we are sensitive to His leading, if we obey His words, and if stay close to Him, He will lead the way and blessings will be poured upon us. It's not always easy, but the peace of God would always be there.
One of the church member helped pastor Dominic set up a website for him and his family. And there's a blog in it it. Talk about getting connected. I always believe that a blog is one of the best connecting tool available out there, and I am glad a blog was set-up for him.
So what's next? I don't know. Are we staying at Calvary or are we supposed to attend Kumulani Chapel? I think we are going to take it day by day, Sunday by Sunday, until we (my husband and I) know for sure where the next vessel we should be....
That can be a rough transition. But each of us needs to go where God leads us ... even when it isn't what WE think we want. This very issue came up for me this weekend, as well.
Oh my goodness, Liza. I didn't realize you changed churches. I'm sad to hear it, though I know you probably put a lot of thought and prayer into it. I can't imagine returning to Maui and not seeing your family at church. I guess this is what you are talking about, though. Being open to God's leading and following Him even if it means a lot of change. I love you and I hope you find what you need.
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