Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just Look How Far You've Come ...

Out of the blue, last night I browsed through some of my old posts.  I felt a warm sensation deep inside.  Reading my first post brought back a variety of emotions I was feeling at the time I started my blog. Then randomly I clicked March 2007 and April 2007.  Browsed through the list of posts I made then and found some songs that encouraged me at that time, like So Close and I Simply Live For You.

Yeah baby, I've come a looong way.  Who would have thought I would still be blogging til now. I initially blogged to vent, to reflect - it was all for me. It was a self preservation tool. But now it has become more than that. It's to reach out, to encourage...

Oh I remember the days when I had 5 regular readers - my sister in law Gem, my brother Joseph, my counselor and friend Karen, my friend Todd, and an online friend hockeymum. Four of these people knew not much about blogs until I introduced them to it. Now four of them are bloggers and one is very active with Flickr.

And then I met the "mommy bloggers".  A group of women whose posts constantly encouraged me though many difficult times and situations - be it parenting, marriage, stress, etc. Then I discovered Kamsin's blog, and many others whose posts became my treats for the day.  And how can I forget Ernestine ... Jaime's (Blondemomblog) mom, who now became a passionate blogger through Jaime and I's encouragement. She's 70 something grandma who e-mails and blogs - how cool is that? Pretty cool I'd say.

How about the time when I deleted close to a hundred posts when my husband and I had a huge argument about my blog.  I wished I hadn't deleted those but I was trying to prove a point (yeah, that darn submission - you know).  And it worked.  At that time my husband didn't want me to blog about our family so I deleted every post there was that referenced to my family. Problem was my blog became impersonal and boring. I almost gave it all up. But then friends and family stepped in to encourage me to go on. Hubby had a turn around later in my blog life...

Then crisis and tragedy came upon us. Blogs became an immediate source of comfort and tool for communication. Like with Kit and Joey ...

Back to looking at my first post and the vast emotions that came along with it ... some of "difficult ones" are still there.  After 2+ years, I still am in the process of healing (I know it seems so long) ... learning to face disappointment with grace and trust, knowing that God has a bigger plan.  When the time comes when I don't experience any "discomfort" at the mention of such, then I will let you know. In the meantime, I am enjoying the ride. I am rejoicing in the fact that what satan meant for evil (he wanted me to succumb to feelings of abandonment and harbor resentment) God turned out for good (this blogging thing is unbelievable!)

After I typed in the title of this post, I got reminded of one of my favorite song by Steve Green back when I first became a Christian. And the chorus goes like this:

Don't give up
Don't give in
Give it all to Him
Cause He cares so much more than you know

When it seems 
who you really want to be
is something you'd never become
Just look how far you've come.

Great reminiscing with you folks. I am thankful. Blog on. Let's continue to blog life together.

Note: I'd be linking some more words to the blogs etc. later ... for now I need to go back to bed and get some sleep :)


LAURIE said...

What a beautiful tribute of how God has used the bloggy world to minister not only to you but you to others. Praise God! Every time I sit down and pen something on my blog, I pray "God send someone here to my place who needs to read this and allow my words to lead them to You". Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us today over at TT! -Laurie

Saleslady371 said...

Thanks for sharing a look back and all that growth! I'm with you. Let's continue to encourage each other on this journey!

Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Liza - I am so proud of you. You have come a long way. I would not have a year behind me if it were not for you. God is Good.
Love You!!!

A Dusty Frame said...

Thanks for your kind words and for sharing this!

Jerralea said...

It's always fun to look back, isn't it? I share your thankfulness of where God has brought me from, in life, as well as in the blog world. My one desire is to write something that encourages uplifts or keeps somebody keeping on one more day! Thanks for sharing!

JJ said...

What a co-incidence that today is the day I decided to re-connect with your blog and I'm mentioned! I'll be visiting just got busy the last year. Hope things continue well with you and your family.

Denise said...

May God continue to bless you.

Karen said...

Your blogging has been such a blessing to us, and to our whole church. Now you are my mentor for which I thank you. You are such a gifted writer and today's blog post was no exception. What a wonderful person you are. Thank you for everything are the best.

Coconut Girl Connie said...

Oh, Liza, this is such a wonderful and encouraging post, you encourage me...the newbie!

Up Close said...

May God bless you more as you continuously seek HIM.

Carol said...

Thank you for taking me back to where you started. I am encouraged by your words, maybe one day I'll be able look back at my 'journey through blogging' and find growth also! Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, "look how far you've come!" Its been such fun to watch your blog grow....and to watch you grow with it. What a ministry you've put together. You bless us all!
Thank you for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an incredible journey you've had!

Sue said...

Great Steve Green song! I love it!

Rena said...

I'm really glad you've kept blogging. You are an inspiration to me.

Anonymous said...

I really like the words to the song you've quoted! And I'm happy to have played a part in your evolution to the blogger you are today. My own blog is taking a back seat these days, as I learn to be who I want to be in other areas of life. Bizarrely though when I decided to make my personal blog just about photos and generally put it on a back burner, it seems I may be getting involved with maintaining a blog at work which is kind of exciting.
Anyway, hope you continue to blog for many years to come! You do it so well!!