I was moderating my comments tonight on my post on "Trust" when one of the comments touched me so deeply. It came from an anonymous commenter sharing how the post encouraged her in this time of uncertainty when both she and her husband was laid off from their job. I felt that all the hours I had spent on writing on this blog is so worth it when I get comments like this, when I come to know that my scribblings and ramblings become an encouragement to someone who needs it.
I wish I can do more to help her. But I can't. Yet I know our God can and He already is. This morning while doing my usual twitter visits, @j_doss provided a link to a YouTube video of Steve Job's message given on the Stanford's Commencement Exercise in 2005. I have never heard Steve Job speak before so I was curious and watched the video. My, oh my - it's one of the most inspirational and encouraging video I've watched! And the thing is, I believe God led me to that video not only to encourage me, but to encourage Anonymous as well. And so without further adoo, I embedded the video and here it is (especially for you, Anonymous):
That's speech has been a favorite of mine for a long time!
Wow! This is one of my favorite thought provoking speeches. Thanks for reinvigorating the special points of Steve's speech. Mahalo!
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