Friday, December 19, 2008

Seven Quick Takes Friday

On this overwhelmed morning of mine, I have decided to join Jennifer and do a "7 quick takes" post to unload stuff in my brain, as well as try to get some pity, encouragement or "kick in the okole reality check" from some of you...

1. Overwhelmed - I am officially announcing that I am overwhelmed. As I mentioned on my post at A MAUI BLOG today, this working mama is stressed out. Balancing work and family on regular days is hard enough, throw in some holidays and I go crazy! Breathe.... I should stress on Christmas right? I am supposed to enjoy it, right? Right! So, I guess I forget that I have still have our Christmas Cards sitting on our kitchen table, etc. etc. After all, I folded 7 loads of laundry last night until 10:30 PM, I should be proud of myself.

2. Running? What Running? - My dear brother Joseph left a comment on my blog the other day and asked if I am still running. My first thought was "running? what running?" My last run was on "Day of Hope" and never "run" since then. Not that I don't like running - I actually love doing it. I just can't find the time. Oh... i should stop making excuses. I really need to run again. I need exercise. I will run ... this weekend I will run. And to hold myself accountable, I promise to post about it this weekend ;) Thanks Kuya Joseph for checking on me.

3. About My Job - still not sure. I need to do my resume this weekend and upload a profile on LinkedIN. I will.

4. Baking Cookies - N was invited by her friend to a "Cookie Exchange". Actually our whole family was invited. They are going to have a "pupu party" in the afternoon - we are supposed to bring a platter of a dozen cookie, then we leave with a dozen variety ones. That's what a cookie exchange is. This reminds me of N's Hula Halau Christmas party. During the planning stage, my dear daughter volunteered to bring cookies, as in home made cookies. I intended with all my heart to bake some fresh hot chocolate chip cookies that day, but I ended up working late, and so I stopped by the store to pick up those Chips A Hoy Chocolate chip cookies. I thought of taking them off from the package, heating them up quickly in the oven and putting it nicely on a platter to make it appear homebaked. But I felt guilty of my planned deceit so I left it on the package and brought it to the Halau potlock. Of course there were a lot of yummy homemade goodies there. My special cookies made by Chips A Hoy was a "nice" addition to the "spread". When we were leaving the potluck, we said thank you to the Kumu, she kindly said "Oh N, thanks for bringing the cookies, that was delicious!" - OUCH! (I don't know why that comment hurt. I knew it was because I wanted to bring the nice homebaked ones and I brought the store one. Oh well...).

5. I miss my family on Christmas. I often wish I can take my kids to the Philippines on Christmastime for them to experience the joy of Christmas there. especially with our family - cousins, grandma, grandpa, aunts and uncles, . Maybe next year ... hopefully (though considering our financial situation right now, I doubt it).

6. Thankful. I just want to mention that I m thankful to God for out health. With all the cold viruses roaming around this season, our family is staying pretty healthy. Thank you Jesus.

7. Seven already? actually I need to start brewing some coffee. So it's good that it's now number 7. I will link this on Jennifer's "Conversion Diary" blog and and I am excited to visit the other participants to see what's going on with them. Blog carnivals like this is a fun way to meet new bloggy friends.


Iris said...

hi liza, i love your blog! i'll have to look at it more when i have more time. i'm gonna add you to my friend's list ok? so glad you wrote a comment on ours! keep in touch! (p.s. save the date, kekoa's 1st birthday luau on maui in july 10!)

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Liza please take care. You have my heading spinning with all the activities. I remember them well in the past. Happy holidays to you and yours.