Sunday, July 6, 2008

Yes, I Still Am A "Christian Working Mom" Blogger

Many of Liza's Eyeview's reader discovered this blog by googling the phrase "Christian Working Mom Blog". I know... because I watch my sitemeter closely (to make sure no p*er*erts are lurking)

I have not post much lately on my struggles on being a mom who works outside of our home. I guess that's party due to the fact that I am working a little bit lesser hours than I used to (I now work about 25+ hours a week as opposed to 36 a week that used to).

But still, there are many times when I wish I can just stay at home with the kids to train them, to have fun with them, etc...

I'm too beat to create an article on this topic (although I'd want tossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss (oppss that long s was me falling asleep on the keyboard)...

So without further adoo, I want to share with you an excerpt from my journal:

Dear Lord,
Summer vacation is almost half way over. I have so many plans with my kids for summer but never could get around doing many of it.....

Hhmmmm I am falling aslopp (yes asleep) again so this is all for now. Will continue tomorrow.....


Anonymous said...

First of all, great name! :-)

I can't even begin to tell you how much I relate to just wanting to stay home and spend time with family. It's like this constant struggle for balance that I haven't been able to achieve yet (but I'm actively working on it!).

Whoever said that there just aren't enough hours in the day was spot on.

Kristen said...

You are a great mom and hard worker!

Anonymous said...

Sleep always seems to find a way to get the most of me too!
I can so relate to your struggles, it is such a balancing act.

Anonymous said...

I want to tell you that even if you were at home with them, you still wouldn't get everything done. The only job I have had since they were born is raising them and homeschooling them. I don't get everything done and often feel I fall short. My house is NEVER as clean as I want and I never feel all that organized. However, I look at the results. I have relatively obedient children (and it sounds like you do as well). Their friends like to be at our house. We get some of what I want to get done. You may get frustrated in the short term, but look at your longterm results and I think you will be OK.

My mother worked. However we always knew that we came first. I am sure she had her struggles, but we all turned out pretty good.

Joyful Days said...

What they will remember is that their mother's heart desire was to spend time with them, that they matter to her and she loved them.

To repeat what was said above--you are a great mom. It shouts across your blog page how much you love your family.
