Wednesday, July 2, 2008

To God Be The Glory

UPDATE 7-5-08: I almost forgot that it's "Then Sings My Soul" Saturday today. Thanks Peggy for reminding me, and for the suggestion of having this as my entry too :). Glory to Jesus!

I have so much to be thankful for. I actually have a long list in my head earlier. But instead of typing it up, I decided to spend some time with my daughter before she went to bed and sleep. We read together and chat a little bit. It's a precious time. Our kids are growing so fast, I try to seize every moment I can to develop a close relationship with them. Before I know it, my daughter would be a teenager, and by that time I hope she'll still chat with me as we chatted tonight. And so I am now too tired to list my thankfulness, I decided to dig through my old post and re-publish this favorite song of mine, fitting for Thankful Thursday:

How can I say thanks
For the things you have done for me
Things so undeserved
Yet You gave to prove your love for me
The voices of a million angels
Could not express my gratitude
All that I am and ever hope to be
I owe it all to thee

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done

Just let me live my life
And let it be pleasing Lord to thee
And should I gain any praise
Let it go to Calvary

With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory
For the things He has done

To God be the glory, to God be the glory
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done
With His blood He has saved me
With His power He has raised me
To God be the glory,
For the things He has done



Susan said...

Hi Liza,

Happy TT to you! So glad you decided to enjoy that special time with your daughter, after raising my 5 sons, the time just slips by, TRUST ME!!

Great song.

Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July♥

Kristi said...

Those are precious times. My oldest is a teenager and we still share that precious time together before she goes to sleep. I'm treasuring every moment and every conversation and trying not to take any of those times for granted.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

This one of my favorite songs.
Time goes by so quickly. Enjoy this time with your children.
I know as it seems like yesterday that my 4 grown children were small.
Now I have 5 grandchildren.
Blessings to you this day.

Addicted to Beadz said...


Spending time with your daughter is so much more important than posting your list. Time flies and you will be thankful for the time you spent.

Be Blessed~

Anonymous said...

The best memories I have are those I've spent with my mum. Glad you chose to create some for your daughter.

Marsha said...

You are so right, they do grow so quickly. I'm thankful that my daughters continued wanting the talk time before bed most nights as teens. And now, it's such a blessing to see them continuing it with their children.

Have a peace filled 4th weekend.

Kathryn & John said...

you are a wise woman

Anonymous said...

Those are endearing times when they are going to bed. Good to spend time with her. That time together is something to be thankful for. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow great post! Awesome TT!

Irene said...

Such a meaningful song. Thank you for sharing. Yes, do spend the most and best time you can with your children. Now that my eldest is a teen, I don't regret anything more than time not spend with my family.
Have a blessed week end.

Peggy said...

Hi Liza...and PRAISE GOD for moms like you, taking time for the right
blessings in life first and then the extras! BUT 2 posts in ONE!!!
or don't you do Then Sings my Soul Saturday...well, you got them both covered so that's sheer genius and WISDOM mixed with LOVE! It was a very appropriate blssing for GOD to receive THE GLORY!!! this weekend and blessed!

Cristine said...

Great song!