In my opinion, there are two areas that a Christian Mom like me may feel insecure about. Those are: 1) Working outside the home 2) Sending our kids to public school
Being a passionate Christian mom, I am surrounded by other Christian parents who have strong convictions about those two issues. Most of my friends are "Stay At Home Moms" and many of them homeschool their kids.
There were awkward moments at church when other parents would say something about how "they will never send their kids to public school" like the kids sent to public schools are doomed to destruction. It's awkward, very awkward for me to hear that and see the expression of disgust in their faces.
Well, I am here to say that I work outside of home and my kids go to public school. "Public School" works for us. Yes, I have to closely watch my kids so that they don't pick-up some bad habits (like swearing because there are a lot of kids who swears in the public school) and yes I have to watch closely what they are being taught (like evolution is not acceptable because we believe in creation); but overall, I think it's good that they are learning how to deal with these kind of situations early on, so that when they go to college, away from us, they would know how to handle these situation and stand up for what is right. They are being trained in a way.
I make it a point to be active in school, to be helpful and volunteer whenever I can. I know the administration and they know me well. My kids are learning and they are learning well. They are blessed with great teachers (a bonus is that both teachers are Christian too :) ). We get to meet other families and we get to share the love of Christ to others this way. Yes, public schools work for us at this time. Maybe someday we'll change, but for now, we think it's what's best for us.
For more stuff, tips and things that work, visit Rocks In My Dryer.
I love you Liza. Last winter I found your blog by googling "Christian Working Mom" because I was having some of the same issues.
My son's teacher (in the public school) and many of his classmates go to our church. It's a good thing.
Great post! Public school can be great if parents are involved in the childrens life
Just tonight, I was sitting next to one homeschooling mom...and one public school mom. (and I'm a homeschool mom) The homeschool mom was going ON and ON to me about how she hates for her son to be in the band at the public school and can't decide what to do, blah, blah...And I was trying SO HARD to change the subject. Because THERE SAT our public school friend hearing all of it...
Okay, I'm blabbing here...just trying to say that as a homeschool mom...I always try to be careful what I say...and I appreciate your post!
You make some great points. My son goes to public school...I simply put my faith in the system (and spend A LOT of time volunteering up there!). As a former (and will go back someday) public school teacher, know that there ARE those of us in the classrooms with beliefs much like yours.
Yes!!!! I loved reading this.
It really bothers me when Christian families removed themselves from the public schools. Of course the public schools are not perfect, but I was taught that if you have a problem with something, get involved in fixing it - don't remove yourself to escape it. What will happen to our country if the public schools fail? We can't sit back and say it's not our problem. We need them. Even if we don't have children, I think as Christians we must be advocates for those children who have no one to fight on their behalf. Kudos to you for being involved in your children's education and shaping their character, while also making the school a better place for the rest of the children there, too.
Our daughter is also in public school, and though I do have some concerns about it, it has already given us the chance to talk over some issues that would never have come up if she'd been in homeschool or private school. Like any parenting choice, I think it just takes a determination to stay involved and aware, and lots and lots of prayer.
Thanks for this post! As a public school teacher and Christian I often wonder how Christian this them vs us attitude is between the two camps. Besides, I pray all. the. time. for my students and believe that God is alive and well in the public school. I often blog about my faith in action at school. Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Just stopped over from Works for me and wanted to say thanks for the post! I often feel like I am doing some great injustice to my kids because I send them to the Public Schools! Believe me I know that they are not perfect, but I also believe we are to be a light in the darkness. I am very involved in school, it's part of my job. I am know around school as Jeremiah or Bekah's mom! I like that! We have some wonderful Christian teachers too! I pray for my kids every morning and we sometimes have to have talks about issues from school, but I feel we have done what God wanted us to do.
This is an EXCELLENT post!! Thanks for sharing! My 6yr old son is in public school in 1st grade. I myself was in Christian school from K-5th and then homeschooled til graduation. I never went to public school so putting my son in was a BIG change for me! However, he's done well and I've enjoyed building relationships with the teacher and other moms in the neighborhood. I believe with ALL my heart that our heavenly Father will lead each of us differently in the decisions for our kids. Every family is different and every child is different. Not ONE thing fits everyone! There are pros and cons to every choice of schooling. It's all about walking in the Spirit and allowing Him to direct our steps. We cannot dictate or judge anyone's decision on this issue. THANK YOU, great thoughts you shared!! :) Have a great day!
We changed Churches due to this conflict. I'm a single mom and work. My kids go to public school. We homeschooled, against the odds, for about a year. It was impossible due to needing to earn a REAL living. In our present Church, nearly all Moms work, no one homeschools that I know of and no one worries about it!
Thanks for sharing this. Our boys are in public school as well and it works for us too. Kids in Christian schools cuss, watch rated R movies and make poor choices too. That's all a part of life. Being a proactive parent is more important than just assuming that since kids are homeschooled or privately educated they are not learning or hearing inappropriate things.
My husband is a public school teacher in a lower income area, and from what he's seen I'd say that the key is parent involvement. We haven't decided yet what we'll do when we have kids, but no matter where we send them we'll be very involved!
I'm a Christian, public school mom too, and this really resonates with me.
Thank you for saying out loud what many of us often think!
I'm a Christian, public school mom too, and this really resonates with me.
Thank you for saying out loud what many of us often think!
I agree that the prideful attitude that some homeschoolers exhibit is grating. Passionate people are not mild people. However, each parent is responsible to their family and God for the choices that they make. If God is guiding your family then you are doing the right thing.
I remember getting many negative comments when I first started homeschooling 15 years ago, now I'm seeing much more of this from the homeschoolers back at the public schoolers. Funny thing is I intended to send my kids to public school but God blocked me every time I tried!
Amen sister! I agree with everything you just said. It is also important for our Christian children to shine their light in the public school and not hide it under a basket at home. (Luke 11: 33-36)
Remember that your children can be a good influence on the other children in public school. Impress on them that their example may be the most important example given to the other kids day in and day out.
God bless!
My kids go to public school too and I really involved in their classrooms. I think this is an excellent post and a 'hot topic.' Everyone has to do what works best for them.
My heart that our heavenly Father will lead each of us differently in the decisions for our kids. Every family is different and every child is different.
Well, some things work for others but not for you. I get uneasy when Christian become too rigid and even judgmental on many issues.
The key is to know God's will in your life. And His will may not exactly be His will for others.
As I always tell my Christian friends and acquiantances, we cannot put God in a box.
Of course, there is no need to be defensive in sending your kids to public school, Liza (not to say you are being defensive). To each his own.
I was so glad to read your post today. I'm new to blogging and I'm a Christian single working mother. My daughter is in daycare right now and even that was hard for me to do. In my current situation, I will have to send her to public school and I think it's okay. I know many great kids at my church that go to public schools. I was happy to find your site because I've been looking for other Christian moms and all I can find are homeschoolers. Homeschooling can be great (I was homeschooled for a few years) but I don't feel like my life relates to them well. It's nice to find other Christian working moms. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Liza, thanks for the encouraging words & I love being N's teacher :) Thank you for sending your children to public school. I believe in many forms of schooling, public, home & private, like churches, schools fit the needs of our diverse culture. What works best for one family may not work for another. Also, if there were no Christian children in the public schools so many children would not find out about the love of Jesus & they need Him as desperately as the adults. I love missions and I feel that my classroom & my school are my mission field. My students who know the Lord are free to speak about Him to their classmates while I am not. I love overhearing my students talk about Jesus or telling a classmate they will pray for them when they get hurt. I pray everyday for my students. Being involved in your child's life and inviting the unchurched kids to church what a bleesing for all involved. Keep up the great parenting :)
Thank you for posting this.
I am a former homeschool mom who God has called into the public school with my three kids (yes, they are there too..just kidding). I have been on a desparate search all evening for other public school mom's who are seeking the Lord for thier kids. I have been shocked at the hostility out there toward public school mom's.
I want to start a blog list on my blog for public school mom bloggers. Would you be willing to be part of that list?
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