Monday, May 12, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday: Gardening

It's time for Tackle It Tuesday. I thought I'd tackle something that I had been wanting to do for a long time but never got around to doing it. Today, I did it. I planted herbs in a pot - my herb dish garden!

Not only did I tackle my herb mini-garden, I also transplanted a lot of the anthuriums (on the pots that were drying and needed to be transplanted). I just planted them all on the flower bed in the side of the house. Now I am excited to see them revive and bloom!

I am thankful to Tackle It Tuesday because it motivates me to do the chores the fun way (fun means I take photos and blog about it :). For more bloggers tackling, visit 5 Minutes For Moms.


Anonymous said...

I just love fresh herbs. I planted mine a few weeks ago and haven't looked back, they grow so fast!
Great Tackle :)

Anonymous said...

I just love fresh herbs. I planted mine a few weeks ago and haven't looked back, they grow so fast!
Great Tackle :)

susan said...

Hello!! I've just ramdomly stumbled upon your blog...your herb garden looks great. I like this "tackle it Tuesday" idea. I may well join up. May I suggest that you fertilise your herbs RELIGIOUSLY once a week?? I do this (when I remember) and it makes the most massive should post another photo in a few months to show how much they've flourished :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Liza. Hope you had a great Mother's Day celebration.

I see that you did some gardening. It's therapeutic, too, di ba.

My husband is the one taking care of the mini herb garden in the balcony (we just live in a small apartment with a balcony). He's really good at it. I long to see the day when he can have a decent vegetable garden in a place we can call our own.

Mama Smurf said...

I REALLY want to do this! But I have a black thumb and kill EVERYthing! Good for you!

Angela said...

Yummy, I love fresh herbs...

DairyQueen said...

great tackle!

It is more fun to do housework or any project when you can blog and post pictures about it!!

Cascia Talbert said...

Great tackle. I love gardening. I planted herb seeds in a similar pot. They still haven't come up yet. Which reminds me I should water them before I go to work this morning.

Cascia @ Healthy Moms

Real Life Sarah said...

Yay! I love growing herbs! I started a bunch of seeds yesterday. Yours look great!

I'm going to try to do a bunch of basil in the garden to make pesto! YUM!

Anonymous said...

looks great! i haven't done herbs before, is it easy?

Anonymous said...

Look at your herbs! Look at your green lawn! Not fair. You obviously have a green thumb.

If that's rosemary on the left you could be in for a surprise. Ours is a huge bush outside!

I haven't planted a thing. I need to sign up for tackle it Tuesday, though there's so much to tackle I don't know where to start.

Please post photos of the herbs growing. Good luck!

Mixednuts said...

I hope they grow well. Fresh herbs are so much better than dried.

RosieBoo said...

I normally can't grow a thing...but I might try herbs sometime. They look like weeds, right, so how hard could that be? :)

Katrina said...

I am so impressed by people who garden on any scale. I have a black thumb--I can't keep a plant alive under any circumstances. I guess I'm destined for fake!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Oh I've been putting of gardening/lawn work for so long! I really should do a little herb garden like you have...I keep making the excuse that we have such a small yard when really it doesn't need to be that big!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Tackle!

Anonymous said...

They look great. I haven't gotten to planting my herbs yet. But I usually plant a few, just like you in a container. I love to add them to recipes.