Sunday, February 17, 2008

Plan to Be Healthier

I have set some goals for 2008, part of that are health goals. It’s now February, and some adjustments need to be done, to fine tune these goals and make them SMART.

My dad always says “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Therefore, here is my plan:

  1. Exercise - Ideally, walk 30 minutes 3x a week at speed 4 incline 3 (realistically, walk once a week for an hour). To motivate, join 5K runs. In 2007 I joined one, this year I should at least join 2. I already did oneyehey!
  1. Healthy Snacks – snack is a huge culprit in unhealthy living because there are so many yummy junk food around! The best way to combat this is to plan my snacks, to make sure there are available yummy healthy snacks in my office and at home. Make a list of healthy snack (done) and stock up the pantry and refrigerator with it.
  1. Healthy Meals – Same with snacks, healthy meals are important. I am a person who likes a hearty breakfast and light lunch. Dinners can be heavy or light but I prefer light. So, same with breakfast, I should make sure my pantry and refrigerator contain healthy ingredients to make healthy meals. For a good start, make sure I have Bocca Burgers, Veggies, Fruit, and Chicken in my refrigerator all the time. Pack lunches instead of buying McDonald’s hamburger.

Simple enough. Since I’m limited to 250 words, this is it for now.

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