Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New blog URL soon ... well, hopefully it works.

I just purchased a domain through Blogger/Google. Apparently, in 3 days all the posts will now be directed to lizas-eyeview.com Honestly I had no clue what I was doing or what I did. I had been wanting to get a shorter URL name instead of lizaseyeview.blogspot.com but was afraid to mess up my blog. Well, I am not in the right frame of mind tonight (scary) because I just did it and not sure if I did it right. I better sleep now and hope that it will work ok, otherwise my blog would be a mess in 3 days... Yikes!

This is what tiredness and sleep deprivation can do - make "impulsive" decisions. hay (sigh)....

I am going to bed. Good night.


Abigail said...

congratulations on the new URL.

Katrina said...

Cool! I hope you enjoy your new digs! :) (Give us a shout when it's official.)

Anonymous said...

That's exciting!! I hope you did everything right, actually I'm sure you did! Looking forward to seeing the new site!

Anonymous said...

Cool, girl! And congrats. Looking forward to seeing what the future brings for you on the web, in your life, and in your heart.

God bless,
